Chapter 643 The Egg Hits the Stone

"Something may have happened to Ruo Yao. You are now driving to the south gate of our school, and by the way, report to the police that there was a fight at the south gate of Hangda University, and someone was holding a controlled knife." After speaking, Xiao Yijin hung up the phone.

He is now more focused on nursery rhymes, and the matter of calling the police can only be left to Lao Zhang.

If Yun Zilei wants to attack Tong Yao, he will definitely not come empty-handed, he will definitely be prepared, even if he does not plan to use those weapons against Tong Yao, but Yun Zilei is a person who often messes around, and there will definitely be people in the car. those things.

Hearing Xiao Yijin say these words, Wu Jie's hairs stood on end: "Boss, are we going to fight? But we don't have any guys? Are we going to rob someone empty-handed?"

Wu Jie was usually timid, but when he heard what Xiao Yijin said just now, he felt a little nervous. It's not that he didn't want to save the nursery rhyme, but just now their boss also said that the other party had controlled knives. If they passed like this, wouldn't it be Eggs hitting rocks?

At this time, Xiao Yijin was not listening to Wu Jie at all.

All he could think about was the question asked by the nursery rhyme. He went to Qin Yiyi's house that night, but there was no third person present at that time, and no one would know that Qin Yiyi hugged him like that.

Even though he threw away the clothes that Qin Yiyi touched at that time, he still felt a little sick when he thought of that incident.

If it's just a general provocation, his Yaoyao is so smart, he shouldn't be easily fooled, and it can mess up Tongyao's thoughts, then it means that what Yun Zilei brought out tonight is extraordinary.

what exactly is it……

"Brother Xiao! You guys are here, I lost the nursery rhymes here." Jiang Ya stood at the three-way intersection and turned around anxiously. This was the first time she hated the area of ​​their school so much, it was too big and green With such a large area, the gods and men disappeared in a flash.

"Thank you, Jiang Ya, it's late, you go back first, and I'll get Yaoyao back safely." Xiao Yijin knew Yun Zilei's location, so he naturally knew his destination.

But Jiang Ya didn't know, she panicked, and said anxiously: "Brother Xiao, at that time, I remember Tongyao received two text messages and left with a dark face. When she left, she brought her mobile phone. She was in the dormitory. They are always charging their mobile phones, and it is impossible for the mobile phone to be turned off without power, so I am very worried, I am worried that something will happen to her, brother Xiao, I will go to find her with you."

Speaking of the latter, Jiang Ya's eyes were already red, and her voice became a little choked up: "Yaoyao is such a good person, why is her life always so unsatisfactory, brother Xiao, I will take care of myself, you Just let me go with you."

"Jiang Ya, I know you're worried about Yaoyao, but Yun Zilei's madness is out of control. I don't want anything to happen to you if you think about Yaoyao. You go back first. I'll call you as soon as I find her. You have to believe it." Me, even if I skin Yun Zilei, I will snatch her back." After speaking, Xiao Yijin led Wu Jie and the others hurriedly towards the south gate.

Jiang Ya looked at the backs of several people leaving, and her heart became more and more panicked. Nursery rhymes often said that she would feel insecure if her mobile phone was not fully charged, so it is impossible for her mobile phone to run out of battery.

But now her mobile phone is turned off, which means that something may have happened to her. The more she thinks about Jiang Ya, the more frightened she becomes. Fear, worry, helplessness, all kinds of complicated emotions came to her heart, she squatted on the spot and hugged her. crying on my knees...

(End of this chapter)

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