Chapter 644 Lost the car keys

Xiao Yijin was more nervous than anyone else, but she had to keep calm. When she was about to reach the south gate, Sun Yi whispered, "I saw a car parked outside the south gate."

"Boss, this is the car you saw on the surveillance camera just now. The car hasn't left yet. Does that mean the guest officer hasn't come yet?" Sun Yi said this in a low voice, then turned to look at Xiao Yijin.

At this time, Xiao Yijin was inexplicably terrified. If Yun Zilei hadn't caught Yaoyao, why would she suddenly lose contact...

Where did she go?
"Come on, let's go up and hold Yun Zilei first." Xiao Yijin strode forward after finishing speaking...

Although Wu Jie was afraid, he couldn't lose the chain at the critical moment, so he took a deep breath and followed Sun Yi and the others.

Seeing someone coming out from the school gate, Yun Zilei raised his eyes slightly, and then... his eyes froze, Xiao Yijin?
Jin Kui was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that after waiting for so long, the nursery rhyme didn't come, but Xiao Yijin did.

Xiao Yijin and the others were aggressive, and they were obviously coming towards them. Jin Kui didn't know what was going on, and he was a little confused, so he whispered, "Young master, what should I do?"

"No prospect, shut up." Yun Zilei put out the cigarette, wanting to see what Xiao Yijin was going to do.

But Xiao Yijin didn't go to his side, instead, he went to the driver's cab and knocked on the window lightly. The driver turned his head to look at Yun Zilei, and asked in a low voice, "Master, do you want to drive?"

"You open the window, I want to see what tricks he is going to play." After Yun Zilei's words fell, the driver rolled down the window of the cab.

"Yun Zilei, where is my wife?" Xiao Yijin poked his head to the window to look in. The lights in the car were on, but he didn't see the nursery rhyme.

Hearing Xiao Yijin's words, Yun Zilei sneered: "You still want to ask me when your own wife is gone? That's really interesting."

In fact, Yun Zilei had some doubts in his heart at this time, that is, Xiao Yijin didn't know where the nursery rhyme went.

Judging by his aggressive appearance, it is clear that he is here to ask for someone.

"So, is it a misunderstanding?" Xiao Yijin looked at the situation in the car while speaking, and then glanced over the car keys.

Yun Zilei didn't notice Xiao Yijin's intention to greet him, and just wanted to send Xiao Yijin away quickly, so he said with a smile: "Of course it's a misunderstanding..."

At this moment, Xiao Yijin probed in like lightning and pulled out the car key. Before Yun Zilei could react, Xiao Yijin had already thrown the car key into the river outside the school...

"Xiao Yijin, are you fucking crazy! What did you do when you lost Laozi's car keys!" Yun Zilei really couldn't understand Xiao Yijin's actions, so he was so angry that he swears, opened the car door and walked out.

When Jin Kui and the others saw it, they immediately ran down and stood behind Yun Zilei.

"You were the one who tricked Yao Yao out. If something happens to her tonight, I will kill you." Xiao Yijin kicked her foot directly, without any politeness, Yun Zilei got a solid kick and fell to the ground .

"You guys are all trash! Didn't you see that labor and management were beaten? Come on!" Yun Zilei grinned from the pain, but the person who saw him was actually watching from the sidelines, and he was so angry that he yelled up.

Seeing that the five big and three rough people on the opposite side wanted to make a move, Wu Jie was frightened to the extreme, but at this time he had to support the boss, he scooped up his sleeves and was ready to go all out.

(End of this chapter)

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