Chapter 648 The Dusty Past

"You can't eat well and talk less, can't you?" Xiao Yijin's expression was also a little embarrassed when Sun Yi dismantled her.

In the past, his driving skills were indeed not very good, but he had obviously practiced it, and who knew that there would be problems as soon as he started.

I think it was because I was too nervous, so I didn't control it well.

In order to prevent Xiao Yijin from becoming angry, Sun Yi and the others ate honestly and did not stop talking. They were tired from seeing a few people, so Nursery Rhyme suggested: "Xiao Yijin, why don't you leave the car to them and let them play here. We were all busy last night. I haven’t slept all night, if I go back later, it will be fatigue driving? Today is the first day of the holiday, the highway is full of cars, so traffic jams.”

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin swallowed the food in her mouth slowly, and said slowly: "It's no problem, anyway, I have acquaintances here, I'll just find someone to take us to the airport later."

"Thank you, Boss!" He was exhausted at first, but after hearing Xiao Yijin's words, he could take a good rest, and it would not be too late to go back slowly.

After eating, Xiao Yijin contacted a local friend, and the two hurried away in the direction of the airport.

Along the way, Xiao Yijin closed her eyes and rested her mind. The driver was a 25-year-old man. He wore glasses and looked gentle.

Seeing the nursery rhyme and being bored in the car, I asked, "What music do you want to listen to?"

"Whatever you want, it's fine." Tong Yao slept soundly last night, but now she doesn't feel sleepy.

Hearing this, the man played some piano music, and then continued: "If you want to ask about Xiao Yijin's past embarrassment, I can tell you some, we have known each other since childhood."

Xiao Yijin's embarrassment?

To be honest, Tong Yao didn't want to know, she had never been interested in inquiring about other people's private affairs.

Seeing that she didn't speak, the man whispered again: "Then let me tell you about your mother, do you want to hear it?"

Listening to his words, Tong Yao raised her eyes slightly, this person is only six or seven years older than her elder brother, what can she know about her mother?
"You know my mother?" The nursery rhyme's voice was very low, afraid of waking Xiao Yijin up.

The man nodded slightly: "My name is Zhuang Chu. I don't know your mother well, but when I was a child with my father when we visited Xiao's house, I saw her a few times. At that time, I thought she was really beautiful. She is very gentle, and her gestures are extremely elegant, which is not what the outside world has commented on."

"At that time I heard that you and Xiao Yijin were engaged, so I was very curious what Aunt Feng Ran's daughter would look like. When I saw you today, I just wanted to say that you really look alike." Zhuang Chu said, the car stopped At the intersection of traffic lights, he turned his head to look at Tong Yao, and found that she lowered her eyes in thought.

He stopped talking, turned his head and continued to look at the red light in the distance, and whispered: "I believe there must be something hidden about what happened back then, otherwise, your father would not have hidden your mother's identity from the outside."

"He's not my father." Tong Yao said in a cold voice, and felt that his tone was a little impolite, so he added: "I'm sorry, but I don't have a good relationship with Tong Shuo, and I've already broken up with him now." limit."

"It's okay, it's my fault, and it touched on the past that you don't want to mention." After Zhuang Chu finished speaking, he changed the topic and started to talk about some funny things about Xiao Yijin's laugh.

Nursery rhyme sat in the back and listened, sometimes echoing him a few words, before he knew it, he had already arrived at the airport.

(End of this chapter)

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