Chapter 649 Do You Eat Less Jealousy?

Hesitation stayed up all night last night, but Xiao Yijin slept soundly in the car, got out of the car, Xiao Yijin reached out and patted Zhuang Chu's shoulder: "Thank you brother."

"You're welcome, I wish you and your younger siblings a good time." After speaking, Zhuang Chu drove away.

"Yaoyao, give me your luggage. I'll check it in. Just sit here and wait for me." Xiao Yijin settled the nursery rhyme, and walked towards the check-in counter with two suitcases of luggage by herself.

Sitting there, Tong Yao felt that this guy was mysterious.

It's already arrived at the airport, don't you want her to know where the destination of this trip is?
This airport is an international airport, and there are many foreign flights. If you just guess, it seems that it is really hard to guess.

Tong Yao waited for a while and Xiao Yijin came back with a happy face. Tong Yao stretched out her hand in front of him: "Where's the boarding pass?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Xiao Yijin put the boarding pass in Tong Yao's hand. Looking at the destination, Tong Yao's eyes widened: "Boss Xiao? France? It's nearly eleven hours to fly, why didn't you choose?" A place closer?"

The holidays are only a few days away, and there are only four days of holidays in total. It took so long to come and go, and I had to be jet-lagged in the past. What is this for fun...

This is to suffer on a long-distance flight, right?
The interest of the journey was just a little bit worn out.

Looking at the unrequited look of the nursery rhyme, Xiao Yijin smiled and said, "I knew you would be bored, I downloaded a lot of stand-alone games on the computer, and there is a new game that our company has released for internal testing. The stand-alone beta version allows you to experience it first."

As soon as he heard this, Tong Yao's eyes lit up. As early as two years ago, he heard that Xianmeng Game Company was about to launch a large-scale online game, but the news of the closed beta has not been released for a long time.

But this time, Xiao Yijin actually brought a test version.

This is simply too perfect.

Squinting at Xiao, Tong Yao's eyes fell on Xiao Yijin's computer bag: "Well, for your sincerity, then I will forgive you."

Xiao Yijin looked at nursery rhyme's staring eyes, and couldn't help but chuckled: "Stupid girl, you have a little bit of careful thought written on your face, you care so much about games, be careful I'm jealous."

Hearing this, Tong Yao yawned indistinctly: "Are you still jealous?"

A simple sentence made Xiao Yijin speechless. Tong Yao got up and was about to go to the bathroom. As soon as she stood up, she saw that familiar figure in the distance, Yun Zilei?

Wait, did she forget something?
The matter of the photo last night suddenly appeared in Tong Yao's mind. Tong Yao sat down, looked at Xiao Yijin with a cold face and asked, "Did you take any intimate photos with Qin Yiyi?"

It was fine just now, Xiao Yijin didn't know why Tong Yao's face suddenly changed: "I haven't even taken a photo with her, let alone an intimate photo, Yaoyao, did you see something?"

Xiao Yijin didn't look like she was lying, but the photos she received were also true.

Thinking back on that photo, Tong Yao suddenly discovered the problem.

This photo seems to have been taken by a third person, that is, there was another person besides Xiao Yijin and Qin Yiyi at the scene. It was secretly photographed without knowing it.

(End of this chapter)

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