Chapter 650 That's a Trap

It was taken by a machine in the dark, that is to say, it was a trap.

And Xiao Yijin still doesn't know which photos exist.

Thinking of this, things seem to be clear, but...but...

Looking at Tong Yao's increasingly gloomy face, Xiao Yijin's back felt a little cold: "Yao Yao, you have to believe me, nothing really happened between me and Qin Yiyi."

"When you went to find her that day, did she hug you? Tell me, what did you see?" The nursery rhyme didn't beat around the bush, and directly asked what was in her heart.

Hearing the nursery rhyme's question, Xiao Yijin knew that Qin Yiyi must have had other purposes for performing that performance that night, so she hurriedly said, "I promise, I didn't watch anything, I didn't tell you because I was afraid of your wild thoughts. What she did that night, when I turned around, she hugged me, I really didn't look at it, and I just threw away the clothes she touched."

At this moment, Xiao Yijin finally understood. No wonder Tong Yao asked them if they had any intimate group photos. He was probably secretly photographed by Qin Yiyi that day. You will also find that when she hugged me, I turned my back to her, and then I should have shown my face when I was struggling, I didn't expect this woman to do such a thing."

Seeing that there were beads of sweat on Xiao Yijin's forehead, Tong Yao sighed and turned around and said, "I'm not the kind of person who is easily provoked, and I didn't plan to go to him directly last night, I was I was stunned by Chen Qing when I was concentrating on thinking about countermeasures on the side of the road, and I don’t know why Chen Qing is so mad, just to prevent the two of us from going abroad, he actually took me directly to the beach more than 200 kilometers away from the school.”

"He's even crazier than you think." Xiao Yijin said in a low voice, glanced at the nursery rhyme, and continued, "Do you think that he took you away simply to prevent us from going abroad?"

Tong Yao turned her head to look at Xiao Yijin in surprise, for some reason she suddenly felt a chill down her back: "What else did he do?"

"It's not important anymore, I've already treated him in the same way." After Xiao Yijin finished speaking, he took Tong Yao's hand and said, "Let's go, it's almost time, let's go to the security check."

"No, Xiao Yijin, you have to tell me what happened last night? Otherwise, I won't feel uneasy." Nursery Rhyme was in a good mood at first, but Xiao Yijin's ambiguous words made her flustered.

"I'll tell you slowly when I get on the plane, I'm here, don't worry, I'll take care of everything, the sky is falling, I'll take care of it for you." Xiao Yijin smiled lightly, and stretched out her fingers to gently wrinkle up the nursery rhyme She frowned little by little, then kissed lightly, and said in a low voice: "Yaoyao, you just have to remember that no matter when, I will stand behind you, even if everyone else betrays you, I won't. "

Listening to his tone of voice, Tong Yao knew that something big happened last night, but the matter must have been resolved, otherwise he wouldn't have the heart to take him abroad.

Tong Yao and Xiao Yijin went through the security check, and they were about to board the plane. What made Tong Yao concerned was that Yun Zilei also arrived at the same boarding gate with them, and he was still holding a woman's waist.

The woman smiled obsequiously, but Yun Zilei was expressionless, looking shaggy and a bit vicissitudes.

(End of this chapter)

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