The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 652 Sister Ting's Kind Greetings

Chapter 652 Sister Ting's Kind Greetings

Although Xiao Yijin said it very simply, Tong Yao knew that it was so easy for them to go, so she would definitely not let Chen Qing go so easily.

Now the wind of public opinion is turning too fast, and many people will not believe that he kidnapped themselves last night just based on Chen Qing's one-sided words. They even think that Chen Qing was coerced to say those words as a last resort.

She didn't know how Xiao Yijin finally solved this matter.

But maybe Chen Qing's own goal has been achieved, even if he is beaten, it doesn't matter.

The popularity of nursery rhymes was accumulated little by little, and she never thought of becoming popular, but because her live broadcast style is more popular, the popularity has remained high.

Speaking of the explosion this year, it was simply an accident.

The time on the plane was boring and tedious. If Xiao Yijin hadn't brought a computer, Tong Yao really felt that she might die of boredom on the way.

Nursery rhyme wore headphones, and didn't listen to what Yun Zilei and the others were saying in the back row, but occasionally when he took off the headphones, he would hear the speechless voice of the girl behind him.

It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when they boarded the plane, but it was just dark when they arrived in Faguo. After all, there is a 7-hour time difference between the imperial capital and France.

But Nursery Rhyme was really sleepy, the tourist attractions she saw on the plane had long been forgotten by her when she came here, she took a quick shower at the hotel, and then fell asleep.

Xiao Yijin looked at Tong Yao's peaceful sleeping face, bent down lightly and planted a kiss on her face, then walked to the French window, looked at the beautiful night scene in front of her, and gently curled the corners of her lips.

I don't know if the girl will like the surprise he prepared, it should be... yes.

Just about to take a bath, the phone rang. Looking at the name dancing on the screen, Xiao Yijin sat on the sofa beside the bed and answered the phone: "Hello."

"Yijin, where did you abduct my daughter-in-law?" Sister Ting's excited voice came from the phone, and Xiao Yijin stretched out her hand to rub the fleshy temple with a headache.

Xiao Yijin: "Sister Ting, is it early morning? You don't sleep, so energetic."

Yu Ting was even more depressed when she heard Xiao Yijin's words: "I finally had a vacation, and I wanted to cook for you to bring Yaoyao back for dinner. Why did you abduct him? Keep it a secret from me."

Listening to Sister Ting's angry voice, Xiao Yijin looked at the nursery rhyme who was sleeping on the bed thinking about it, lowered her voice and said, "I just want to take her abroad to relax. Don't worry, I will take good care of her."

"About your Aunt Feng, I don't care how much you know, but you shouldn't say it. Don't tell her. Now she is living very well in Feng's family, and she has drawn a clear line with Tong's family. I don't want her to know What things will be entangled with the Tong family and the Qin family in the future, you have to know that there is a reason why my mother didn't dare to tell the truth when she knew the truth, so don't tell her what things, you know?" Yu Ting His tone became a little dignified.

This also made Xiao Yijin understand that Sister Ting didn't call from bed so late to ask him where he took the nursery rhymes.

The reason for her was to tell herself not to tell Tong Yao about Feng Ran back then.

Xiao Yijin: "Okay, I know, go to sleep."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yijin didn't feel sleepy anymore.

About Feng Ran, he only learned something from Lao Zhang, but judging from Sister Ting's nervousness, this matter may be far more than he thought.

(End of this chapter)

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