Chapter 653 Everything You Want

It even involved the Qin family, so what exactly Feng Ran died of back then seems to be a bit of a concern now.

What's more, what Qin Yiyi secretly photographed at that time was a video or a photo.

He hacked Qin Yiyi's computer, but he didn't find any clues. She might have transferred the photo to her phone, just to prevent herself from getting it.

That thing must be destroyed.

Otherwise, it will be like an untimely bomb that will explode at any time.

It was a good night's dream. When Tong Yao woke up, the sun was shining brightly outside. She looked around but did not see Xiao Yijin's shadow.

There was a burst of fragrance from the kitchen, she got up and walked over, and saw Xiao Yijin in home clothes, making breakfast.

As if he heard her voice, he said without looking back: "Little lazy pig, go wash up when you wake up, and you can have breakfast soon."

This scene seems to have appeared in a nursery rhyme dream.

After breakfast, the two went out together. Xiao Yijin rented a car, and of course...even the driver.

Although he is very confident in his driving skills, but there are nursery rhymes in the car, so he dare not take risks.

"Where are we going?" The nursery rhyme of going abroad for the first time, she was very interested in everything at first, but gradually, she began to yawn again: "On TV, I always feel that France is beautiful everywhere, but really Come on, it feels like that’s it.”

"But I promise, you will love where we go." Xiao Yijin smiled mysteriously, and then took out a blindfold from his pocket, "Yaoyao, be good, come and put this on."

Tong Yao knew that it was useless to resist, so she had no choice but to let Xiao Yijin put the blindfold on her honestly.

About half an hour later, the noise around her disappeared, and everything became quiet. She only heard the sound of the wind, birds, and... the rustling of the leaves...

Gradually, a faint fragrance began to fill the air. This smell is very familiar, it is the smell of lavender.

The car stopped, Xiao Yijin got out of the car, opened the door and led Tong Yao out, and he walked forward little by little holding Tong Yao's hand.

To be honest, when you can't see, people will become a little cowardly. Tong Yao felt lost as she walked, so she hugged Xiao Yijin's arm tightly.

After a while, Xiao Yijin let go of her hand and whispered, "Yaoyao, you can take off the blindfold now."

Tong Yao stretched out her hand to take off the blindfold, and what came into view was a large field of lavender flowers. Turning around, she saw two old couples standing behind them with smiles and looking at her. In the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, there were two very An exquisite small villa with a small sign hanging at the gate of the villa's yard.

Nursery Yao took a closer look, and it read: Yaoyao's Manor.

"Xiao Yijin, this?" Tong Yao was really frightened by Xiao Yijin, and she almost couldn't speak clearly. She remembered that when she was not with Xiao Yijin before, they had dinner together. There is a small manor, a flower field, some melons and fruits, and the simplest life...

Who would have thought that everything would appear in front of her eyes without warning...

"This, it's my birthday gift to you. I bought this manor for you. It's your name. Everything in the manor is designed according to your preferences, including the flower fields you like, and even the orchard in the yard. And Xiao Caidi, I promised you that I will give you whatever you want, so, do you like it?" Xiao Yijin's eyes turned red involuntarily, he is not good at sweet words, but he knows that his girl can understand his intentions .

Although their journey was not easy, it was precisely because of this that he decided that she was the one he wanted to protect all his life.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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