Chapter 671 Fighting for the Fairy Dream
Xianmeng game is an extremely money-burning game. In the words of players, Xianmeng recognizes you as a son only after you have charged hundreds of thousands.

Unlike some other online games, you charge 10 yuan, and the game customer service will call you Dad.

For the militants, charging money to fight is their pleasure, but for life players, the fairy dream with the best picture quality is also a paradise for them to live in, and for businessmen, those medicinal materials and ores are what they are targeting The goal is set, the boss only likes to fight and doesn't like to practice life skills, so when he needs some materials, he can only set up a stall to buy them.

This game can accommodate all kinds of players to survive, so the number of active players has always been high.

As the number one anchor in the Xianmeng game area, there are many bosses in the nursery rhyme live broadcast room, there are many local tyrants, and the number of nobles makes many big anchors daunting.

It's just Nursery Rhyme himself, who is so focused on the game that he doesn't pay attention to these things at all.

After being silent for a long time, Tong Yao said coolly, "But I never take the initiative to ask fans to give me gifts. I said that day that I want to be on the list. Do you want me to encourage fans to give me gifts like other anchors?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin smiled lightly: "You underestimate your fans. In previous years, it was because you were not so popular. If you didn't sign up for the event yourself, the officials would ignore you, but now your status is different from the past. , you don’t represent yourself, you represent Xianmeng Game, do you think the bosses in each district of Xianmeng will let you lose to the anchors of other game districts?”

Just hearing what Xiao Yijin said, Tong Yao felt that the smell of gunpowder had already risen. It seemed that this was indeed not a battle of her personal honor, but a duel between games and games.

No, no, if this is the case, she really can't lose.

"Don't worry, I've seen the day, May 5th is Saturday, when you go home and sing a few plot songs from Xianmeng Game for your fans, you don't need to open your mouth to bring the rhythm, I will do everything else. "Xiao Yijin smiled wickedly, as if she had already grasped everything in her hands.

Seeing someone's fox-like smile, Tong Yao suddenly understood one thing, that is, it must be because of the game that Xiao Yijin was so active in helping her do activities to attract people to the rankings. After all, if Xianmeng loses, Isn't that slapping him in the face?

He is the face of Xianmeng.

Although the gifts that Xiao Yijin promised to give that day were not that attractive to the boss, but the other anchors didn't give gifts yet. Compared with this, it seemed that the nursery rhyme live broadcast room was extremely generous.

The two went out to eat together, and when they came back, they met Jiang Ya and Lin Feng walking in front on the road.

The nursery rhyme whispered: "They haven't reconciled yet, have they? They're going their separate ways, and there's still such a big distance between them."

"Jiang Ya has always had low self-esteem in this relationship, because she cared too much, so she was too sensitive." Xiao Yijin said lightly.

Hearing someone Xiao's concluding remarks, Tong Yao couldn't help joking: "Yo ho, since when did our second young master Xiao become an expert in relationships? I still remember that someone wanted to prevent me from breaking the engagement, I ran so that my slippers flew off."

It's okay not to mention this matter, as soon as Xiao Yijin mentioned this matter, he felt extremely embarrassed. At that time, he didn't know what was wrong with his mind, and he was only thinking about not letting her break off the engagement.

The image and arrogance that he had been most concerned about all this time were suddenly forgotten by him at that moment.

(End of this chapter)

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