Chapter 672 Expression Management Failed
After serious thought for a few seconds, Xiao Yijin suddenly stepped forward and stood in front of Tong Yao, stretched out her hand to support her shoulder, and said seriously, "Yao Yao, look into my eyes."

The nursery rhyme was bewildered by his sudden appearance, so he asked in confusion: "What are you doing?"

"I think you have superpowers." Xiao Yijin said suddenly.

Tong Yao looked confused: "Huh?"

Xiao Yijin: "Otherwise, how could my heart be manipulated by you after meeting you for the first time."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Feeling a little cold suddenly, Tong Yao reached out and hugged her arm tightly, "Please speak human language."

Xiao Yijin: "Because I actually liked you a long time ago, earlier than I imagined, my heart and brain are smarter than me, they control me to do the right thing, if you give me another chance to choose , I would rush over desperately to tell you that day, don’t break off the engagement with me, but this time I won’t find those messy reasons, I will say: Because I like you, so you don’t break off the engagement with me.”

"Boss! Boss! Are you back from your date?" Wu Jie's voice came from far to near, breaking the beautiful atmosphere between the two.

Tong Yao smiled and said nothing, turned around and saw Wu Jie galloping towards them on a bicycle, and said with a smile, "Boss, do you want to give me a ride back to the dormitory?"

Xiao's face was dark, and he really wanted to slap Wu Jie at this time. He had finally made the atmosphere so dark that he wanted to hear a sweet love story from his girl. Who knew that Wu Jie would suddenly appear to destroy everything.

But the stupid Wu, who didn't know what he did wrong, was still talking to the nursery rhyme with a smile: "Guest officer, did you and the boss go to eat something delicious just now? Do you know that the food city has newly opened?" Try Chongqing hot pot, it's so delicious."

Seeing this, Tong Yao smiled and said, "Did you come back from eating?"

Wu Jie nodded: "Yes, I just got back from eating."

"Dining with Du Chuan?" Before the nursery rhyme was finished, Wu Jie suddenly pedaled his bicycle and ran away quickly.

Stretching out her hand to pinch her face that was smiling too happily, Tong Yao said puzzledly: "My expression doesn't seem to be particularly wretched, does it? Why did Wu Jie get scared away by me?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin tilted her head and said, "The expression is indeed not obscene, but it is written in those eyes: I know you have gone to eat alone, please tell me quickly."

" that exaggerated?" Tong Yao felt that she had already managed her expression seriously, could it be that it was still bad?
After riding the bike for a long distance, Wu Jie put up full speed, turned his head and looked behind him, Xiao Yijin and Tong Yao had disappeared...

Just now, he did go to eat hot pot with Du Chuan.

It's just that nursery rhymes are always gossip, if she continues to talk, I don't know what questions she will ask...

His legs were a little sore. Wu Jie got off his bicycle and pushed the cart forward. Before he had gone far, he saw Du Chuan striding towards him...

Wu Jie's first reaction was a little confused, this... isn't this guy gone?
Why did it suddenly appear in front of me...

Can he fly or something?
"Idiot, why are you standing there stupidly? You just left without taking your phone." Du Chuan strode up and stuffed the phone into Wu Jie's hand. Seeing that he was sweating profusely, he added: "You should practice After practicing, after a short ride, it will look like this for you."

(End of this chapter)

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