Chapter 673
"I... I'm not empty, my kidneys are healthy!" Wu Jie blurted out without thinking.

Du Chuan turned around and was about to leave. Hearing what he said, he suddenly laughed softly: "Whether your kidney is good or not is not very important."

After leaving that sentence, Du Chuan strode away. The moment he turned around, thinking of Wu Jie's stupid look just now, Du Chuan felt more and more funny, and actually laughed out loud...

But Wu Jie, who was standing there, was still struggling with what Du Chuan said just now.

Why is it not important?
Obviously very important, okay?
It's just that Wu Jie can only shout from the bottom of his heart, because he can't shout that his kidneys are fine in front of so many people...

Pushing the cart and continuing to move forward, Wu Jie suddenly realized that Du Chuan was saying that his body was weak, but he didn't say that his kidney was weak...

What the hell was I talking about just now...


Back in the dormitory, as soon as Tong Yao opened the door, she saw Jiang Ya humming a song and playing a game, she seemed in a good mood.

You don't need to ask nursery rhymes to know, it seems that you have reconciled.

Now that she and Lin Feng have reconciled, she will not ask about their affairs. Tong Yao casually picked up a piece of potato chips from Jiang Ya's table and threw it into her mouth, then smiled, "Xiaoya, we will discuss tomorrow How about going shopping in the afternoon?"

"Shopping?" Jiang Ya suspected that she had auditory hallucinations, took off the earphones, and reconfirmed: "Did you just say shopping?"

It's not that Jiang Ya was so surprised, the main reason is that more than half of Nursery Rhyme's closet is full of clothes without the tags removed, and she actually wants to go shopping?

"That's right, do you want to go shopping with me?" Most of the nursery rhyme clothes were bought by the old man and Xiao Yijin, and on May 5, when the fans were invited to dinner, she would also go to the scene. I don't think these clothes are suitable for me. After all, the clothes bought by these two people are really too expensive. She doesn't want to be so high-profile...

So after much deliberation, I still plan to buy a new suit.

After all, it's the first time I meet you, so I still have to pay attention to it.

"Sure, I'm the best at shopping." After Jiang Ya finished speaking, she continued to put on her headphones and play games.

Nursery rhyme went to take a shower first, and then turned on the computer and played the game.

About Tongyao's upcoming participation in the Maoya Live Goddess Summit event has long been publicized by Xiao Yijin, and he has sent countless full-server voice transmissions, and everyone on the server knows that Tongyao is about to participate.

Everyone also worked hard to prepare for the nursery rhyme rankings that day. Their fairy dream game was originally the game with the most local tyrants, and they had to win the first place.

Glancing at the sectarian channel, the conversation inside is even more lively.

Di Jia Altman: "I took the photo of the guest official boss to instigate several local tyrants in my other games. They all said that if the guest official boss had a boyfriend, they would definitely chase him."

The old man washes his hair with Rejoice: "They can chase after a boyfriend, as long as they are thick-skinned and not afraid of being beaten by the boss."

Tears of Allure: "I feel that after this event, the guest official boss will become very popular, and maybe he is expected to become the new game spokesperson of Xianmeng Game Company."

You Yun: "I'm envious of the guest official, he's good-looking and talented, life seems to be on the hook."

Wu Jie: "But there is a very difficult problem. The guest official boss is getting more and more popular, and the boss has more and more rivals in love. This does not seem to be a good phenomenon."

Xiaojian: "The boss is not worried, what are you afraid of?"

When everyone thought about it, it seemed that they were the ones who were most active in this competition. What are they worried about...

At this moment, someone Xiao who had been diving silently came out and sent a message.

Xiao Yijin: "She's already sleeping next to me, as for those illusory rivals in love, is there any need to care?"

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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