Chapter 686
After downloading the live broadcast and games, Tong Yao began to think about the person who was most likely to target her. After checking a few popular female anchors this year, she already knew the general direction.

For a long time, the people who wanted to join the entertainment industry the most were Little Gummy and Cherry Sweets. They had tried to get acquainted with bigwigs in the film and television industry, and they had also made guest appearances in some online dramas, but they didn't make any splashes. It was boycotted by many netizens.

Although it is not ruled out that other female anchors secretly engage in small tricks, the possibility of Little Gummy and Cherry Britney is still higher, so Nursery Rhyme starts with these two people to investigate.

The first is Cherry. She is more popular than Little Gummy, and she is also one of the female anchors who are most likely to win the first place in this previous competition.

The last time she saw Cherry, she didn't have a good impression anyway.

Nursery rhyme invaded Cherry's computer, except for a large number of photos and work arrangements, nothing unusual was found in the computer.

After logging out of Cherry's computer, Tong Yao checked the surveillance cameras near Cherry's house, and found that not long ago, a medium-sized fat man walked out of the door of her unit wearing a peaked cap.

Since Cherry's door was not monitored, Tong Yao could not determine whether the man had entered her home.

After tracking the whereabouts of the man, it was found that the man got into a car, and the license plate number was intentionally blocked, making it difficult to see clearly.

This is an extremely abnormal phenomenon. If it is not a celebrity, why should a normal person wrap himself up so tightly when going out, and even cover the license plate.

Obviously, he was afraid of being photographed.

But after thinking about it, this may be Cherry's lover. Anyway, many female anchors will tell fans that they are single even if they have a partner.

Little Gummy is very interesting. When nursery rhymes invaded her computer, she was still in contact with people on the computer. How to hack her...

Just got caught.

So Nursery Rhyme quickly snatched control of the computer.

Finding that the computer was suddenly out of control, Little Gummy was a little dazed, so he called a manager in the live broadcast room: "Xiao Fang, my computer suddenly failed, please tell the fans, it's very strange, I didn't respond anywhere Ah, but the mouse is still moving by itself."

The mouse is still moving by itself?
Xiao Fang was startled: "Miss, your computer must have been hacked, what are you doing?"

Hacked?Did this legendary thing really happen to me?
Little Gummy was frightened. She first contacted some marketing accounts and studios to prepare for tomorrow's black nursery rhyme. It was only because of the price issue that she hadn't reached an agreement. She had only heard of hackers and had no contact with them. How could she know about hackers? So powerful that she can even control her computer.

He said nervously, "I didn't do anything."

Xiao Fang: "You didn't do anything, so is there anything in your computer that shouldn't be there?"

Little Gummy: "No."

Xiao Fang: "If not, don't worry about it, it should be fine in a while."

Little Gummy keeps these things secret from other people, so naturally she doesn't dare to tell the management that she is doing things behind her back...

Tong Yao read the chat history, then smiled, and typed in the dialog box: 500 million, no second price.

Little Gummy looked at the computer and typed and sent it by herself, and her whole body froze. What? 500?What she talked to the other party was obviously 50, okay?

And this computer actually typed by itself?

(End of this chapter)

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