Chapter 687 Pies fall from the sky
The studio on the opposite side was also in a daze. They had just talked for a long time and they asked for 60 yuan, but Little Gummy was only willing to give 50 yuan. Why is it suddenly so generous now... unexpectedly willing to give 500 million yuan...

What's the difference between this and pie in the sky?
Fearing that Little Gummy would go back on his word, the people in the studio immediately sent a message: Okay, 500 million, I will definitely find out the unacceptable information about guest officials, or find a way to make her disappear from tomorrow's event.

Little Gummy is really anxious, 500 million?
Kill her, my computer is completely out of control, no matter which key she presses, it won't work at all.

She could only stare helplessly, and another line of words was sent out in the dialog box: Waiting for your good news, after the event is completed, there will be a big reward.

Studio: But how much should you give as a deposit?
Nursery rhyme narrowed his eyes when he saw this: I, Little Gummy, is the hottest female anchor of Maoya live broadcast now. Could it be that I will cheat you? You should do things first. After tomorrow, I will definitely pay you 500 million. If I break my promise Now, you guys will make the chat records public, and if things are done beautifully, I will have a big reward.

Seeing the news, Little Gummy's eyes went dark, and she almost fainted. The 500 million is enough to kill her, and a big reward?

And the most important thing is, is this person crazy? She was looking for the studio anonymously, but this person posted her name on it!
Isn't this trying to kill her?
In order to avoid being exposed by the media when she was looking for a black nursery rhyme in the studio tonight, it seems that tomorrow's 500 million will not be able to escape. In recent months, her popularity has not been as good as before, and there are fewer people giving gifts. The 500 million It's not a small sum for her.

Tong Yao sat in front of the computer with Erlang's legs crossed and licked melon seeds. She was in a very happy mood. This woman was really unlucky, and she even happened to meet her.

Little Gummy is really going crazy at this time, she called the studio to cancel the deal, but the other party didn't answer her call anyway, if the other party did something for her and didn't pay her, Once the other party exposed the matter, wouldn't she be completely cold?

The more she thought about it, the more panicked she became. Little Gummy suddenly lost her mind. After much deliberation, she finally decided to call Cherry.

As sister Yao said, Xiao Yijin is a hacker, so could it be that Xiao Yijin did all this just now?
Knowing all this, Xiao Yijin will reveal everything tomorrow. If so, will she go to tomorrow's press conference or not?

At this time, Little Gummy really regretted it, regretting that he couldn't hold back and had this happen in the end.

If the nursery rhyme is really blackened by the studio tomorrow, or can disappear from the activity area, the 500 million will be gritted, and it will be given. After all, compared to my future live broadcast career, things that can be settled with money, then It doesn't matter.

But she really can't go to the press conference tomorrow. If Xiao Yijin did all of this tonight, something big will happen tomorrow.

Frightened and sleepless all night.

Nursery Rhyme basically checked all the anchors, and the most suspected ones were still Little Gummy and Cherry, but she was really not worried about Little Gummy's tricks.

After all, I don't have any black material to dig out, so it's possible that those studios can turn against the sky.

Xiao Yijin arranged for someone to come over to make a pose for Nursery Yao. Tong Yao kept yawning and was at the mercy of others like a rag doll. She almost fell asleep in a chair several times.

(End of this chapter)

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