Chapter 688
At eleven o’clock, Lao Yu sent Tong Yao to Maoya’s live broadcast building on time. Tong Yao thought that Niu Niu would come to pick her up, but after getting off the car, she looked around and saw some fans shouting her name.

She smiled and waved to the fans, then gently walked up with the hem of the skirt, and before she had taken a few steps, someone's voice came from beside her: "How can Her Lady Queen personally do things like pull the hem of the skirt?" Do it."

"Ah! Second Young Master Xiao!"

"One inch lovesickness!"


The fan group exploded, Xiao Yijin obviously dressed up carefully, his clothes were obviously the same as the design of the nursery rhyme, the nursery rhyme smiled lowly, this guy really didn't miss any chance to show his affection.

"Why are you here?" Tong Yao let go, and Xiao Yijin gently pulled up her skirt gently, and put it down after going up the stairs.

Xiao Yijin gently held Tong Yao's hand and said, "On this occasion, I have to come and take care of the lady."

Hearing this, Tong Yao lowered his head and laughed: "You thought you were a big shot, but this is Maoya's live broadcast, and you still want to come to Zhenzhen?"

"I'm not a big shot, I'm just a lady's flower protector." Xiao Yijin led Nursery Rhyme into the company lobby, and the employees inside all bowed and bowed when they saw Xiao Yijin coming: "Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yijin nodded towards everyone, holding Tong Yao's hand and never letting go, but Tong Yao felt a little strange, this guy came to someone else's company, why did it feel like these employees were all neat and tidy as if they had met their master? Qi's bow...

Tong Yao turned to look at Xiao Yijin, and asked softly, "Mr. Xiao, don't you want to explain this?"

"There's no need to explain, it's just a charisma." Xiao Yijin turned her head and smiled at the nursery rhyme, that smile immediately took away the souls of the female employees around.

"Mr. Xiao is really handsome!"

"I used to think he was cold, but now he looks so charming when he smiles."

"It's a pity that he already has a fiancée."

"Even if you don't have a fiancee, you don't like us."


Everyone was talking about it, but Tong Yao felt that something was weird. They always felt that these people seemed to be very familiar with Xiao Yijin. Logically speaking, Xiao Yijin, the founder of a game company, shouldn't be so familiar with the people of the live broadcast company.

And she felt that the way these employees looked at Xiao Yijin was a little strange...

What's so strange about it, I can't tell.

"Mr. Xiao, good afternoon, you are so caring, you actually sent Miss Tong over here in person." A middle-aged man's voice came, Tong Yao turned to look, and then frowned slightly.

This person's figure...why is it so familiar...

Xiao Yijin looked at the middle-aged man who came over, and introduced to Tong Yao: "Yao Yao, this is Mr. Zhao, the vice president of Maoya Live."

"Hello, Mr. Zhao." Tong Yao politely greeted the man in front of him, but he still couldn't remember where he had seen this man before. He only felt a little familiar, but the mole on his lip was so distinctive, if I should be able to remember that I have seen myself before.

"Mr. Xiao is really convinced. I have such a beautiful fiancee. I have to leave beforehand. Mr. Xiao, please do what you want." After Mr. Zhao finished speaking, he left. one light.

By the way, this man should be the man who left Cherry's house yesterday.

Although I can't be completely sure, the similarity of the back is really high, and when she was tracking the car yesterday, the car did disappear near here.

(End of this chapter)

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