Chapter 704
"Just try it yourself." Putting the lid on the instant noodles, Sun Yi now only cares about his ultra-luxury instant noodles, and he really has no interest in Xiao Yijin's changes.

Staring at the computer for a while and running around the mission, suddenly, two figures flashed past him on horses, and they were riding two-person mounts...

And that man is their boss!
It's just that the female player doesn't know who it is?

"Hey, hey, something big happened. I saw the boss and a female player traveling together in the south of the Yangtze River, and they were riding on the same horse!" Sun Yi almost stuffed his head into the computer, and he didn't care about the task. He got on his mount and chased after him.

Confirmed, that is indeed their boss.

Wu Jie was startled at first, but in the next second he reacted: "Little grandson, don't make a fuss, this is very likely to be the trumpet of the guest official boss, there are more than 200 trumpets, you say Can you recognize them all?"

"You say so, it seems to be the same." Sun Yi nodded, opened his own instant noodles, and smelled it enjoyably, "Smell".

Seeing Sun Yi eating instant noodles, Wu Jie remembered again that it was time to pay Du Chuan the money again. To be honest, after thinking about it, he still felt that he had betrayed him.

There is no such thing as twenty-eight thousand for a meal, whether it is pearls or diamonds.

Lying restlessly on the bed, Wu Jie got out of the bed and was about to go out for a walk, but saw Xiaojian walking back anxiously: "It's terrible, something serious happened."

"What's the big deal?" Wu Jie was originally bored, but when he heard gossip, he immediately became interested.

Xiaojian put down the book in his hand, and then said profusely with sweat: "That woman, that woman named Qin Yiyi, do you remember, I feel that she is a little crazy or something, she actually crawled into our The top floor of the school library is about to jump off the building, and now the police are here, and the library has been emptied, which is really annoying and delays my reading."

The corners of Wu Jie and Sun Yi's mouths twitched, someone is about to jump off a building, this little guy is so irritable that he is delaying his reading?
"No, Qin Yiyi is going to jump off the building, it can't be because of the boss and the guest official. Recently, these two people seem to show affection often. Could it be stimulating?" I have to say, Wu Jie is really a crow mouth , It was planted as soon as it was said.

"Wake up, let's go and see why she jumped off the building first." After finishing speaking, Sun Yi went out, took a few steps, and came back with his ultra-luxurious instant noodles. Walked in the direction of the library.

Today's weather is not very good, and the wind is also a bit strong, Qin Yiyi sat on the edge of the top floor without love, looking at the densely packed crowd below, his eyes were very empty.

Her two legs were dangling in the air, which was shocking to see.

This was the first time since the school started that someone was going to jump off the building. The school leaders were also very nervous, and they all arrived at the scene, but even the police couldn't get close to Qin Yiyi.

As long as someone went to the top floor, she would move to the side, worrying that she would have an accident, so no one dared to go up.

When receiving this news, Tong Yao and Jiang Ya were eating in the cafeteria.

Jiang Ya was choked by the meal, took a sip of the soup and said after a little relief: "This Qin Yiyi is sick, is she just not nice to others?"

"It's not that I don't want to see him well, it's just that I don't want to be with Xiao Yijin." After Tong Yao finished speaking, she continued to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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