Chapter 705 Horrible Moral Kidnapping
After the incident last time, although Qin Yiyi settled down, it was obvious that she never had the intention of giving up.

And from the very beginning, Tong Yao felt that Qin Yiyi was not an easy-going woman, and she was smarter than Zhuang Xinyu.

"I really think this woman is really a little neurotic. Let's ignore her, or if she sees you going crazy again, it will be difficult to deal with. You know, these people love moral kidnapping the most now. If Qin Yiyi says at that time, she will die if you don’t break up with Brother Xiao, if you don’t agree, she will really jump, and those trolls and keyboard warriors will scold you to death.” I am used to all kinds of things on the Internet Jiang Ya was also a little anxious about planting a troll.

Cyber ​​violence can kill people. Didn’t there have been a lot of news before, because of the pressure of public opinion, some people committed suicide or were depressed?
And according to Qin Yiyin's virtue, she can do this kind of thing completely.

It's still a life anyway, and you can't really just watch her die like that.

But if she really made some excessive demands, she couldn't let Tong Yao sacrifice her own happiness for her.

So it's better not to go to the scene, can't afford to provoke or hide?
Just after Jiang Ya finished speaking, Tong Yao's cell phone rang. Looking at the strange number on the phone screen, Tong Yao's mouth twitched: "Xiaoya, do you think I should say you are smart, or that you have a crow's mouth?"

"Ah? This...can't be..." Jiang Ya herself was stunned, she was just talking casually, could it really be...

Tong Yao picked up the phone, and a man's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hi, is this Tong Yao's classmate?"

"Well, yes." Tong Yao took out a tissue and began to wipe her mouth while talking.

Man: "I am a policeman. There is a lady who is about to commit suicide in your school library. It is useless for anyone to persuade her. She said she wants to see you. Can you come here now?"

Before Nursery Rhyme could speak, Xiao Yijin's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Comrade policeman, don't call my girlfriend over, I'll take care of it."

Then the phone hangs up.

Jiang Ya bit her lip, and said weakly: "Nursery rhymes, did I really hit the mark? Pooh, why am I so crow-mouthed."

"I don't blame you for what has happened, but we are going to go and have a look now, just to watch the excitement. My life is my own decision. Those insignificant people, don't try to kidnap me morally." Jiang Ya held Dongxi stood up, grabbed Jiang Ya and walked out.

When Jiang Ya thought of Qin Yiyi's virtuous behavior, she was very worried, but her fairy was often very stubborn, and she couldn't persuade her.

Qin Yiyi, who was sitting on the edge of the top floor, saw Xiao Yijin coming, and suddenly burst into tears: "What are you doing here! I want to see her! Do you still want to protect her at this time?"

"She is my wife, and I will protect her at all times." Xiao Yijin said expressionlessly.

Hearing these words, Qin Yiyi's heart broke even more, "Even if I'm going to die, you still have to protect her, but you are mine! You are mine, and she is a third party!"

When a gust of wind blew, Qin Yiyi's body swayed a bit, and the policeman behind Xiao Yijin couldn't help sweating in fright.

"Brother Xiao, I have cancer and I'm about to die. Can you promise me to leave the nursery rhyme and accompany me through the last journey of my life? I have nothing else to ask, I just hope that you can accompany me... "Qin Yiyi burst into tears, and the people around her were moved with compassion.

Only Xiao Yijin still had that cold look, without any fluctuation in expression.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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