Chapter 708 Habit Formation
He turned around and went downstairs, and after washing his hands countless times in the bathroom downstairs, he walked out slowly.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Tong Yao grabbed Jiang Ya, and the two quickly walked towards Xiao Yijin.

Jiang Ya joked with a smile: "Brother Xiao, I saw you grabbing a woman's arm just now, aren't you afraid that my fairy will be jealous?"

Hearing this, Tong Yao slightly raised her eyebrows: "Being jealous is Xiao Yijin's skill, and I haven't unlocked this skill yet."

Hearing the words of the nursery rhyme, Xiao frowned unhappily: "Then I would like to ask this beautiful fairy, how can you unlock your skills? Do you want to accumulate anger? Or do you want to accumulate jealousy?" ?”

"It's just that you talk a lot, so hurry up and wash your hands clean, Xiaoya, let's go and eat." After finishing the nursery rhyme, she pulled Jiang Ya and left.

Xiao Yijin laughed when she heard the words, and she was still thinking about letting him wash his hands at this time, isn't that just jealous?

"Yijin, I have something to tell you." Qin's father asked someone to take Qin Yiyi away, and then blocked Xiao Yijin's way.

In the past, Xiao Yijin would have given Qin's father some face, but since Qin Yiyi did a series of things that ruined the three views, his little favor for the Qin family has completely disappeared.

"Uncle Qin, I hope you will take good care of your daughter in the future. If something similar happens, Yaoyao and I will not show up again. Whether she is dead or alive by then has nothing to do with me." After finishing speaking After saying that, Xiao Yijin left.

In fact, he knew in his heart that it was probably a fake that Qin Yiyi had cancer.

She lied to her family and wanted to use this method to force him to break up with Yaoyao at school, but her many small actions on the rooftop had already betrayed her plan.

Although she was sitting on the edge of the roof, relatively close to the side, even if she would let go of one hand, the other hand had been firmly grasping the iron railing around the railing and never let go.

If Qin Yiyi really got cancer from hunger, then the Qin family would have sent her to the hospital for intensive treatment, so how could she let her mess around here.

So there is only one reasonable explanation for all this, that is, Qin Yiyi lied to her parents that she had cancer, and then went straight to the school to commit suicide.

I don't know what kind of madness this woman is. His relationship with Yaoyao has finally stabilized. He doesn't want to be influenced by irrelevant people.
Regarding his attitude today, even if he did it all over again, he would do it again. It was Qin Yiyi who wanted to die, and no one wanted to force her.

To save her this time, I just don't want her to have an accident here and affect his girl.

Back on the first floor of the library, Xiao Yijin washed her hands several times before turning around and walking towards the cafeteria.

When he walked to the cafeteria, Tong Yao and Jiang Ya were already eating, so he ate dinner and sat next to Tong Yao, eating slowly.

After eating for a while, seeing that the piece of meat in the nursery rhyme bowl was too fat, he stared at it for a while, then suddenly stretched out his chopsticks and put the meat in the nursery rhyme bowl into his mouth.

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Seeing this, Jiang Ya couldn't help laughing.

No, she felt like she was a super bright light bulb sitting here.

After watching for a while, Jiang Ya saw a fellow classmate, picked up the plate in her hand and fled in a hurry.

"What are you doing, Xiao Yijin, why are you eating my meat?" Tong Yao was speechless, and gave him a disgusted look.

Then someone Xiao said aggrievedly: "Didn't you eat fat when you were at home? I saw it and couldn't help it, so I wanted to eat it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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