Chapter 709 Reward one!

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

She didn't expect that this guy would observe so carefully...

"Didn't you say that the food in this cafeteria is the worst? Why do you always come here recently?" Tong Yao muttered in a low voice, lowered her head and continued to eat.

Xiao who was beside him took a sip of the soup slowly, and then said, "As long as I eat it with you, no matter how unpalatable the meal is, it can become a delicacy."

"..." Tong Yao didn't bother to talk to this glib guy anymore, so she continued to eat with her head down.

"Yaoyao, have you ever thought about what our wedding will be like?" Xiao Yijin suddenly said something while eating, which scared Tongyao so much that he choked on the meal.

Seeing this, Xiao Yijin quickly unscrewed the water and handed it to Tong Yao's mouth, reached out and patted her on the back and said, "What are you doing? You can still choke after eating."

Nursery rhyme wanted to say, why was she frightened? Could it be that Xiao Yijin had no idea?
"Yaoyao, when I decided to be with you, I thought about our wedding. I even thought about our child's name... that..." Before Xiao Yijin could finish speaking, the nursery rhyme was over. Standing up and leaving, Xiao Yijin smiled as she looked at her fleeing back...

Then he picked up the chopsticks and slowly ate the remaining two pieces of meat on the nursery rhyme dinner plate, then got up contentedly and walked towards the dormitory.

In the dormitory, in front of the computer.

Tong Yao stared at the game character that was automatically finding its way on the computer, but was thinking about another thing in her mind.

Ever wondered what their wedding would look like?

She didn't seem to have thought about it, but in her dream, she seemed to have dreamed of such a scene.

It's just unreal, not real enough...

But she remembered the sky full of petals and fireworks, just like they got married in the game.

Nursery rhyme is in a daze, and a message pops up on the game page: Player Yicun Xiangsi invites you to join his team.

I moved the mouse and clicked agree.

Then the nursery rhyme was transmitted to Xiao Yijin, who planted I Love You with roses on the white jade steps.

Everything looks, beautiful, beautiful.

Tong Yao turned on the voice, and asked him in the team: "Xiao Yijin, today is not a special day, what are you doing?"

After a while, Xiao Yijin's smiling voice came from the earphones: "When we passed the white jade steps yesterday, you saw someone planting flowers here, and you said it was beautiful, so I planted a flower here for you today. .”

"..." Tong Yao's eyes sank slightly, she just said something casually, and this guy actually remembered it.

No one else in the dormitory was there, so Xiao Yijin was naturally not afraid of being teased by those guys when she spoke alone, so she said, "Then tell me, the flowers you saw yesterday are more beautiful, or the flowers I planted today are more beautiful?"

After the words fell, the nursery rhyme became a little speechless. Does this guy have to say these words to spoil the atmosphere?
Nursery rhyme: "You look good."

Xiao Yijin: "Since it's mine, should I reward one?"

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Although it was disgusting, Tongyao still found a cute expression and sent it to Xiao Yijin.

Then Xiao said dissatisfiedly: "What I want is what you say, can you be a little sincere?"

"Ouch, what I want is what you say, Boss, when did you become so SAO?" Wu Jie's voice came from the earphone, and then he heard laughter in the dormitory...

Sun Yi: "Boss Gao Leng, kiss on the thread."

Xiaojian: "Yes, very strong."

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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