Chapter 711 The editor who eats SHI

Nursery rhyme: "No one said that boys can't wear Lolita, especially white and tender boys like Wu Jie."

Du Chuan: "..."

Du Chuan: "I lost, I'm going to do the task first."

Nursery rhyme: "Hey hey hey, don't go, did you hit me? Isn't that Wu Xiaojie's naive act of revenge, but you, a big-tailed wolf, found out a long time ago, and then followed him? that……"

Nursery rhyme: "Speak clearly to me, or I won't be able to sleep well tonight."

Nursery rhyme: "Du Chuan, are you dead? Call labor and management quickly."

Nursery rhyme: "Hey hey hey..."


Under the deadly series of CALLs from nursery rhymes, Du Chuan's profile picture was blackened...

directly offline...

Tong Yao looked at the pressed avatar, and threw the mouse aside in boredom. Du Chuan is only so tough when facing his family, Wu Xiaojie, who is usually so cowardly.

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter..." Jiang Ya's exaggerated laughter came from outside the door, Tong Yao leaned on the chair, listening to Jiang Ya's devilish laughter, yawned lazily...

Then I heard Jiang Ya open the door and come in, and said with a smile: "My fairy, I found that you have fallen in love with news recently, and these editors seem to have grown up eating SHI. I really admire these headlines." Come on, let me read a few for you..."

"Maoya's newly-promoted podcasting hostess is not allowed to expose photos without makeup. Netizens exploded: But that's it!"

"Maoya's female anchor podcast official can't expose the behind-the-scenes boss, and netizens are shocked: the unspoken rules are really scary."

"The hostess of Maoya's live broadcast podcast can't be dug up by black history. Netizens collectively boycotted: What about the pure campus goddess?"


Nursery rhymes have long been familiar to those weird headline parties on the spot.

So when Jiang Ya read these titles, not only was she not angry at all, but she was a little sleepy instead.

Jiang Ya put down all the shopping bags in her hands, held her mobile phone and said, "I feel that these editors are really weird. Let our netizens carry all the blame. When did our netizens say these things?"

"Did you buy something delicious?" Tong Yao raised her head, waiting for Jiang Ya's feeding.

Jiang Ya was stunned, and sighed, Jiang Ya walked back to her desk, turned over a bag of potato chips and threw it into Nursery Rhyme's hand, and said disgustedly: "You say you, you play in the dormitory every day Game, sooner or later it will be useless for me to play."

"Xiaoya, what do you think of Wu Jie and Du Chuan?" Speaking of these two people, Tong Yao still felt a little uncomfortable.

She was afraid that Wu Jie would keep a distance from Du Chuan because of his worldly vision. It was the first time that Du Chuan had grown up so much for someone.

Jiang Ya didn't know why the nursery rhyme suddenly mentioned Du Chuan and the others, so she said casually: "I think I'm still cute with them, what's the matter?"

"Du Chuan will go abroad soon." Tong Yao opened the potato chips, took a piece and threw it into his mouth. After saying this, he didn't know what to say next.

Hearing this, Jiang Ya was also stunned, "Ah? A pair of fateful mandarin ducks, but we don't want to interfere too much. After all, Wu Xiaojie is very sensitive to this matter, and he cares about other people's things very much. Gaze, if we do too much, it can backfire."

"Well." How could Tongyao not know what Jiang Ya said, because she thought of these, so she didn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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