The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 712 Can You Make People Peace of Mind?

Chapter 712 Can You Make People Peace of Mind?
Forget it, let nature take its course, let's see the situation when the time comes, maybe Wu Xiaojie won't be so cowardly by then?
On the other side, Wu Jie, who was writing the book, sneezed, stretched out his hand and rubbed his nose, and then suddenly remembered that today is the day to pay back the money.

Even if he was tricked by Du Chuan, he promised to treat him to dinner, so he still had to give the money.

After finding Du Chuan's WeChat account, Wu Jie sent him a message: Hey, usually when it's time to pay back the money, you act like a reminder, why are you so quiet today.

After sending the message, Wu Jie transferred the money.

After a while, Wu Jie received Du Chuan's message, opened it, but was stunned.

Because... this is a transfer message.

The amount is not small.

After all, the money was actually the meal money he had returned to Du Chuan in the past few months, and Du Chuan actually returned the money.

This made Wu Jie a little confused.

Wu Jie: What are you doing?

Du Chuan: I didn't intend to ask you for the money before, and you don't have to give me the money on a monthly basis.

It was supposed to be something to be happy about, but Wu Jie's mood was a little subtle. Du Chuan suddenly changed.

become a little distant.

In the past, on WeChat, he either called him an idiot or Xiaojie, but this time, he didn't even call him by title.

Du Chuan had been using the photo of the two of them when they got married before as their profile picture, but now, he found that he had changed the profile picture.

Wu Jie accepted the transfer, and at that moment, his heart trembled slightly.

Afterwards, someone slapped the head severely, and then heard Sun Yi's irritable voice: "Wu Jie, what the hell are you in a daze for? You've hit the last boss. You've been dazed by the boss for a second. If it wasn't for the guest officer Boss, big tits, our output is not enough, it will be cold, can you save people from worrying?"

"Ah? I just had something to do." Wu Jie came back to his senses, and quickly put his hands on the keyboard to operate the game, but his mind was still in a mess.

Isn't he the one who wants to get rid of Du Chuan the most?

What's the matter now, irritable.

Early the next morning, while Tong Yao was still asleep, a phone call came in.

She answered the phone with her eyes closed, and heard a nice girl say, "Hi, is this Miss Nursery Rhyme?"

"Yeah." Nursery rhyme replied vaguely, and did not open his eyes to look at the number on the phone, the whole person was still in the stage of fugue.

The other party: "Hello, I am Kunlun Film and Television. Our company is preparing a film and television drama about online games. I think another one is very suitable for you. I would like to invite you to audition for a role in one of our new dramas..."

Hearing this, Tong Yao hung up the phone directly, then threw the phone aside, pulled up the quilt and covered her head, there are really all kinds of liars now, even Kunlun Film and Television...

Why didn't she say that she was from Xianmeng Film and Television...

After a while, the call came again, Tong Yao opened his eyes, blocked the number directly, and continued to sleep.

Jiang Ya came out of the bathroom with her eyes narrowed, and asked casually, "Fairy, who called you in the morning?"

"A liar, actually said that he is from Kunlun Film and Television. Do you think it's funny?" Tong Yao said lazily.

Hearing the words Kunlun Film and Television, Jiang Ya also smiled: "This liar is really funny, Kunlun Film and Television is one of the top film and television companies in China. Although you are famous, you haven't even set foot in it. As for the entertainment industry, this liar didn’t do his homework well, he’s not professional enough.”

(End of this chapter)

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