Chapter 713
"Yeah." Tong Yao responded and yawned...

Jiang Ya originally wanted to continue sleeping, but she was hungry, so she closed her eyes and asked, "Fairy, are you hungry?"

Nursery rhyme: "Fairies don't need to eat, they just hang on with their fairy air."

Listening to the words of the nursery rhyme, Jiang Ya couldn't help laughing out loud: "Hahaha, you are lazy, you are still hanging on with your fairy air, no, I am hungry, I have to get up and look for something to eat."

"Go, go..." Tong Yao yawned, closed his eyes, feeling drowsy, and was about to fall asleep when the phone rang again.

The nursery rhyme is really going crazy, the feeling of wanting to sleep and being disturbed again and again, really collapsed, grabbed the phone out and looked at the screen of the phone, the word "Niu Niu" danced on the screen.

"Damn boy, you better have something to do, or I will tear you apart." After Tong Yao gritted her teeth, a cowardly voice came from the opposite side: "Miss, I didn't mean to disturb your sleep, but I heard You blocked the staff of Kunlun Film and Television... They found the management number in the live broadcast room and called me..."

Hearing this, Tong Yao regained consciousness a little: "Huh? Kunlun Film and Television? Oh yes, it seems that someone called, but I thought she was a liar."

Niu Niu really wanted to die: "Miss, have you forgotten that you won the first place in the Goddess Peak Competition, and this reward includes participating in film and television works and participating in some online drama recordings?"


Until now, Tong Yao is completely awake, "Then can I choose to give up these opportunities?"

Niu Niu: "It doesn't seem to be possible. I'm afraid you forgot the agreement signed before signing up for the competition. It clearly states that all notices in the rewards must be participated in accordance with the agreement. Otherwise, the anchor will be responsible for the liquidated damages. The company has already signed it for you, unless you are willing to pay a huge liquidated damages, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, Tong Yao felt a headache, didn't she pay attention to her agreement at all?
Who would have thought that Maoya Company would be so weird that it would answer the announcement for the host on its own...

There is also liquidated damages.

Tong Yao felt that participating in the Goddess Peak Ranking event this time was like being on a thief ship.

Every move is liquidated damages. Do these people know that she loves money the most, so they use liquidated damages to force her to participate in the event.

Niu Niu is really drunk, if other anchors have this kind of opportunity, they will be too happy to fall asleep, there are only nursery rhymes, and they just want to shirk.

He was worried that Tong Yao didn't want to face the camera and wanted to pay liquidated damages, so he added: "That TV series just invited you to audition, if the audition fails, then it's not your fault that you didn't fulfill the contract, right? "

The nursery rhyme got the meaning of Niu Niu Hua in a second, and said with a smile: "Actually, I think you, young man, are still very promising. I know what to do. I will leave other contact matters to you, and the fee will not be charged. Without you, just let me know the time and place when the time comes."

After getting the answer from the nursery rhyme, Niu Niu's heart finally fell to the ground: "Okay, I will make arrangements."

Hang up the phone, lie on the bed, sleepless.

Taking out her mobile phone, Nursery Rhyme sent Xiao Yijin a WeChat message: Xiao, what should you do!

Xiao Yijin: A small confession.

Nursery rhyme: You plead guilty even if you don’t even ask me what crime it is?

Xiao Yijin: My wife said I was guilty, so I must be guilty.

Originally, Nursery Rhyme wanted to ask this guy Xiao Yijin to ask him to blame, but this guy admitted cowardly as soon as he came up, so it's not easy for her to get angry.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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