Chapter 715 Very Affecting Passers-by

Nursery rhyme: Well, well, I see.

Niu Niu: Even if you want to fail the audition, you must not be late. There are many reporters on the scene, and when the time comes, they will say that you are playing big names, which will affect the popularity of passers-by.

Nursery rhyme: I understand this, don't worry.

She just wanted to perform poorly and fail the audition, she really didn't think about being late or anything.

After reading the information sent by Niu Niu, Tong Yao yawned, it was just a simple plot, but she really had no interest in acting.

Although the interview was due at ten o'clock the next morning, our nursery rhyme children's shoes still played games until midnight.

When I woke up the next morning, my eyes were swollen.

Sleepy-eyed, looking in a bad state.

She got up, washed, combed her hair, casually rummaged through the clothes in the closet, and went out to take a taxi to the audition location.

In early June, the weather in the imperial capital was already very hot.

After getting out of the taxi, Tong Yao looked at the building in front of him, made sure he was in the right place, then reached out and pulled the hat on his head, and strode in.

Seeing her go in, a staff member came over and said, "Hi, are you here for an audition?"

Tong Yao nodded: "Well, yes."

"This is a form, you fill it out first, and then give it to me later, my name is Juzi." The girl smiled friendly, and gave Nursery Yao a form and a pen.

"Okay, thank you." Nursery rhyme thanked politely, then walked to the corner next to it and began to fill out the information form.

I thought to myself, this really is an inconspicuous cameo role, if it is an important role, it wouldn't make people sit in the hall and fill out the form, it feels like the scene when I went to apply for an internship unit...

There were many people sitting in the hall, all filling out forms, but everyone had different expressions.

The nursery rhymes are beautifully written, but I haven't written for a long time and I'm always playing on the computer, so I feel a little rusty.

She had just filled out half of the form when a woman with a strong aura walked towards her outside, followed by seven or eight people, who looked like bodyguards or assistants.

The woman was wearing sunglasses and was stepping on the sky, she didn't look like a good stubble.

Walking into the hall, everyone's eyes were attracted, and then the woman took off the exaggerated sunglasses on her face, swished around the hall, and said unhappily: "I have been here for a long time, why is there no one to say hello?"

Juzi ran from a distance with a smile, and said with a smile: "Miss Jiang, you are here, please fill out this form first."

Hearing this, Jiang Yushan exploded: "What? Fill out the form? Don't you know who I am? Do I need to write a new copy of my information?"

Seeing that Jiang Yushan's finger was about to poke her nose, Juzi took a few steps back and said with a smile: "You are so popular, of course we know your information, but this form is not for personal information, it is our A small survey by the director, Director Zhang personally explained that I have prepared a VIP lounge for you, and I hope you can fill out this form."

Juzi was already very polite, but Jiang Yushan didn't intend to let it go at all. She took the form and tore it up and threw it in Juzi's face: "Where is the VIP lounge? I'm tired and I'm going to rest. "

After the words fell, Jiang Yushan led a group of people to go inside.

Orange bit her lip, didn't speak, just squatted down and picked up the scraps of paper and threw them into the trash can.

(End of this chapter)

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