Chapter 716

Nursery rhymes were eating melons, she knew this Jiang Yushan, she had debuted for some years, but she had always been in an embarrassing position in the entertainment industry, because of her relatively deep qualifications, she was not polite enough to treat others.

The main reason is that the reporters in this hall are not allowed to come in, otherwise it would be interesting if her aggressive image was photographed.

Tong Yao bowed her head and continued to fill in her own form, and some small voices of discussion began to come from her ears.

"The audition for Kunlun Film and Television this time is really strange. I've never heard of artists being asked to fill out forms in the lobby, and some of us are already well-known. Is it wrong for them to do so. "

"That's right, I've shot so many works, and this is the first time I've encountered something like this."

"And some of the content on this form is simply nonsense."

"I heard that the popular female anchor of Xianmeng Game has also come to audition. Have you seen her?"

"Can't you be a guest officer? Damn it, the current anchor really wants to enter the entertainment circle. Someone who has no acting skills at all wants to make a TV series? The threshold for becoming an actor is really too low now. "


Tong Yao sat on the side and listened silently, without speaking.

Seeing that the computer next to it was empty and no one was touching it, Tong Yao moved over and found that there were actually many games on the desktop, among which there was a fairy dream.

As long as she can play games, nothing else matters, anyway, she doesn't really want to audition.

After a while, Nursery Rhyme was having fun, and Orange's voice came from behind: "Okay, everyone, you can hand over the completed form to me now, and then you can go up for an interview after your name is called."

Tong Yao turned to look at him, Ju Zi at this moment, as if the unhappiness just now had never happened.

It seems that Ju Zi is not very old, and Tong Yao admires her for having such a mentality.

Standing up, Tong Yao handed the form in her hand to Juzi, who glanced at the name on the form, then looked up at Tong Yao with surprise on her face: "You, you..."

Tong Yao looked at her hesitant and surprised wide eyes, and said with a smile, "What? Is it much worse than the picture?"

"No, no, it's just that you are too low-key, and you came here by taxi." Orange didn't expect that the famous female anchor would be so low-key, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"What are you talking about? Hurry up and put away the forms and bring them in." A man not far away shouted in a bad tone, and Juzi didn't dare to talk to nursery rhymes, so he started to collect the forms one by one.

Looking at her thin and small back, Tong Yao's eyes sank slightly.

She walked back to her seat and sat down, took out her mobile phone, and continued her fun.

Outside the building, Xiao Yijin was also sitting in the back row seriously playing with Xiao Xiao, while Lao Zhang stared at the figure in the French window not far away for a long time, and finally couldn't help but said: "Master, you really don't plan to go in and talk to Meng Do you always say hello? I heard that Kunlun Film and Television's auditions are often difficult."

"Instead of worrying about the examiner making things difficult for you, you might as well worry about whether the examiner will be making things difficult for you." Xiao Yijin yawned after finishing speaking, and continued, "And if you know that I'm meddling in this matter, She won't be happy."

Hearing Xiao Yijin's words, Lao Zhang felt extremely disgusted.

The young master is really duplicity, he says he is not worried, but in fact he is worried to death, right?
(End of this chapter)

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