Chapter 717 Self-defeating audition

Otherwise, why did you ask yourself to drive here early in the morning to guard, didn't you want to rush in to support Ms. Tong in case of emergency?

Hey, young people nowadays don't understand.

There was a game to play, but Tong Yao didn't feel how difficult the time was. Around eleven o'clock, Orange came out and shouted: "Nong Yao, come with me."

Hearing the word Nursery Rhyme, several people in the crowd suddenly raised their heads and looked at Nursery Rhyme.

"Fuck, can't the guest officer?"

"She's dressed too seems like she doesn't even wear makeup..."

"Why are you so low-key? This skin is so white that it glows."


Listening to several boys discussing in low voices, a girl said disdainfully: "How can you not wear makeup? You boys are just blind, and those who put on light makeup say no makeup."

Everyone: "..."

Tong Yao followed Juzi into the room, and when they reached the elevator, Juzi took a small box and put it in Tong Yao's hand and said, "Help me take this up for an examiner in red, your audition location is on the 21st floor 2108, remember."

"Okay." Tong Yao took the small box, entered the elevator alone, and pressed the 21st floor.

As soon as the elevator went up a few floors, she felt something moved in the box. She lifted the box up and looked at it. From the small gap, she seemed to see something familiar.

She continued to hold the box in her arms calmly, and couldn't help underestimating, what is this orange doing with a snake in the box?Is it possible that the examiner still uses snakes to test people's guts?

That must be too boring...

On the 21st floor, there was a floor-to-ceiling mirror when he stepped out of the elevator. Tong Yao took off his hat and raised his hand to grab his hair a few times. At this time, the swelling in his eyes had dissipated, and he seemed to be in good condition.

The 21st floor was terribly deserted. Tong Yao walked a distance into the corridor before seeing 2108. She reached out and knocked on the door, but no one answered.

She felt strange, but she didn't push the door rashly to go in, but continued to knock on the door.

Then I heard a low voice from inside: "Come in."

Holding the box and walking in, Tong Yao saw four interviewers sitting on the opposite side, all of them looked like iron bakers, and they looked very serious anyway.

And Jiang Yushan, who had come in before, was sitting on a chair beside her with a friendly face, completely different from the arrogant and domineering one before.

This big wall is actually full of surveillance images... What the hell is this...

Although surprised, nursery rhyme quickly came to his senses.

"Hi teachers, I'm Tong Yao, a freshman student and a game anchor." After finishing speaking, Tong Yao stood where he was and stopped talking.

The few people on the opposite side did not speak.

After a long time, the examiner in red said, "Do you know what's in the box?"

Nursery rhyme nodded: "I know, snake, by the way, a staff member asked me to bring it up, and said it was for an examiner in red. Excuse me, is it for you?"

Seeing Tong Yao's calm look, the expressions of several examiners softened a little.

"Congratulations on passing our guts test, please try this scene now." The examiner in red came over with a smile and took away the nursery rhyme box, then handed the two pieces of paper to the nurse's rhyme.

Tong Yao lowered her eyebrows and glanced at it, a little confused, Niu Niu sent her the audition scene yesterday, it wasn't this at all, not even this role.

"I'm sorry, my play...isn't this part. Isn't this Luo Xiaoyu the second female lead? My manager just said that I was playing a small role." After listening to the nursery rhyme, the girl in the corner The smile on Jiang Yushan's face couldn't hold back anymore.

Isn't the second girl hers?
Why did this female anchor try out the show all of a sudden?
Just now the interviewer said that she was going to compete with another person for the role. She thought it was a famous female star, but who would have thought that it was a game anchor who had never acted before?
This made Jiang Yushan feel ashamed, but in front of so many people, she was not easy to get angry.

The red-clothed examiner looked at Tong Yao's confused face, and said directly: "From the moment you stepped into our company, your audition has already begun. There are roles in film and television dramas before the formal signing of the contract and the start of filming." It may change, not to mention that this is the first round of auditions. After such a long period of observation, we feel that your temperament is closer to Luo Xiaoyu. Say, this should be the true character acting, right?"

"There are surveillance cameras in all directions in the hall, and we saw it. During the waiting time... you even secretly downloaded two notebooks using the computer in the hall... The focus and obsession in the eyes of the game is exactly The Luo Xiaoyu we are looking for..."

Tong Yao lowered her head and felt a little headache. She blamed herself for not stopping. What kind of game was she playing?

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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