Chapter 718 Someone Says Bad Words

After all, Nursery Rhyme is a novice in acting. The director was worried that she would be nervous, so he said: "Because this time I temporarily adjusted the audition scene for you, so we will give you half an hour to prepare now. There is a rest room next door, and Ms. Jiang can do it too." Go out and take a rest, we will call the staff to inform you later."

As soon as the words fell, a staff member opened the door and smiled to take her away.

At this time, the interviewers behind had already arrived outside the door, and Tong Yao knew that it would be wasting other people's time to argue with the director now, so she walked out with the materials.

I was stunned as I was walking, why did I feel like I was being arranged, and suddenly I was pushed out of the shelves, and I didn't even have a chance to refuse...

Walking into the lounge, Tong Yao looked down at the script, the plot is very simple, it really looks like her daily life, it's just... the game routine in the girls' dormitory...

It's just that she really doesn't want to act in any TV series. She scratched her hair and nursed a long sigh. This is different from what she imagined, different.

According to her plan, she should first find someone who should have finished the interview and leave.

"Don't worry, I'd be worried if I were someone else, it's totally okay to deal with such an idiot woman..." The voice of the phone call came intermittently from outside the door, and nursery rhyme's big eyes were full of displeasure for a second .

A woman like an idiot?Are you talking about her?
Putting down the script in his hand, Tong Yao took an apple and squeezed it in his hand, walked slowly to the door, leaned against the wall, and the voice on the phone outside the door became clear: "Yes, that's the female anchor, who looks like It's not too bad, she feels so dull, and I don't know what those directors are looking for in her?"

Jiang Yushan: "Accident? Xiao Qi, stop making trouble. This female anchor looks like the type with big breasts and no brains who relies on unspoken rules to get ahead. If I can lose to this kind of person, then I will quit the showbiz."

Raising his eyebrows, Tong Yao lightly took a bite of the apple, looked down at his chest, when did he describe himself as having big breasts and no brains?
Anyway, nursery rhymes are also people who have been in the fan circle, and they have long been familiar with the inconsistency of some female artists.

Turning around, Nursery Rhyme was about to go back to read the script, when she heard Jiang Yushan say: "In fact, she is just average-looking, and she is suitable for living in a photo shoot..."

Nursery rhyme's doubtful eyes rolled slightly, living in the photo?
When did she take a photo?

Jiang Yushan hung up the phone, and a girl's voice came over: "Miss Jiang, Director Liu has informed that you will re-act in a while, so I trouble you to prepare now."

"Okay, I see, thank you for your hard work." Jiang Yushan said a few words gently, and after the staff member left, she slammed the door with a gloomy face, "What the hell, it's the culmination of my acting career." It's a shame, you actually let me compete with this kind of person..."

Listening to Jiang Yushan's thoughts on the opposite side, the nursery rhyme who had no intention of acting at first became more interested. Although she doesn't like acting, she likes to hit people in the face.

Someone was talking bad about her behind her back, and if she didn't do something, she might not be able to sleep.

And compared to Jiang Yushan, although she has less experience in acting, this woman definitely doesn't play games, and Jiang Yushan's heavy makeup doesn't look like a freshman girl, so she wins young.

Thinking of this, Tong Yao quickly gnawed the apple in his hand, and then began to recite his lines.

As an actor's basic, the lines must be memorized well, otherwise it will impress the director.

(End of this chapter)

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