Chapter 719 Almost Collapsing
"Dong dong dong." The knock on the door startled Tong Yao, and then a smiling face appeared in the crack of the door: "Miss Tong, it's your turn."

"Okay, I get it." Not nervous, but actually a little nervous, Juzi looked at the frozen expression of Nursery Rhyme, and said with a small smile: "You can just play live games as if you were in the dormitory, come on, I I support you."

"Cut." Jiang Yushan walked out from the opposite door, bumping into Ju Zi's shoulder and walking past with considerable force.

Ju Zi was knocked to the side by her, Tong Yao grabbed Ju Zi's arm and helped her stabilize her body, "Then I'll go in."

After speaking, Tong Yao then entered the interview room.

Jiang Yushan took the lead in performing, all without physical objects, but there were still machines in place in front of her. This was the first time Tong Yao saw these machines for shooting TV, and she couldn't help being a little curious.

He stretched his neck to look inside the machine, but he wasn't watching Jiang Yushan's performance at all.

Director Liu stared at Jiang Yushan's performance seriously, and when she was halfway through, he raised his hand to signal a pause: "Didn't I just say that I need to take off my makeup? Why are you still wearing makeup?"

Jiang Yushan was slightly taken aback, with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face.

The TV series prepared by Kunlun Film and Television this time was originally a low-cost drama, and there were no big-name stars to join. She herself was the most well-known, but she did not expect that the director would be so shameless.

If it weren't for the fact that Kunlun Film and Television is a big company, she still wouldn't want to audition for the second female lead.

"Miss Jiang, you should know that Luo Xiaoyu is a freshman who just entered the freshman year, and she is also a girl addicted to the Internet. Do you think a girl who will sleep and forget to eat and sleep just to play games will sit in the dormitory with such heavy makeup and play games? "Director Liu was always very strict, seeing Jiang Yushan disrespecting the audition so much made me feel a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Yushan is indeed famous, but she didn't take this opportunity seriously. Before the audition, he asked the staff to inform the audition that she needs to appear without makeup. The first time Jiang Yushan didn't remove her makeup, and the second time, she still didn't remove her makeup.

This shows that she didn't take this audition seriously at all.

The atmosphere in the room became extremely awkward. Director Liu is a big shot in this circle, so she naturally couldn't offend her, so she stood up and politely said, "I'm sorry Director Liu, because my skin condition has been poor during continuous filming for the past few days, so I only There is no makeup removal, please give me another chance, I will go to remove makeup now."

Seeing that Jiang Yushan's attitude was quite sincere, Director Liu nodded, "Go, nursery rhyme, it's your turn."

"Oh, good." Nursery rhyme put down the lines and the phone, and walked over naturally. Nursery rhyme almost became an instinctive reaction, as soon as he saw the computer, he had to log in to the game... put on headphones... eat snacks...

Everything is very natural, just like going back to the dormitory to play games...

The habits formed over the years are very powerful.

The main reason is that sometimes the posture is not very elegant, and sometimes I start to habitually shake my legs and hum when I speak the lines...

In this scene, there is a scene where Tong Yao meets a pig teammate in the next book, Tong Yao even accidentally said a shit, and then quickly realized that he was auditioning...

Oops, almost broke.

Nursery rhyme originally belonged to the kind of looks that are very photogenic, and people can't take their eyes off watching every frown and smile in the camera. Although she has never acted, she has naturally become the sharpest weapon of destruction.

Several directors looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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