Chapter 720 Is there an emotional drama?
Isn't this exactly the same as Luo Xiaoyu in the script?The Luo Xiaoyu in the play already had the bonus of a hooligan, and she was not a good girl in the first place.

Nursery rhyme finished her lines, and then she felt a little guilty. When she read the lines just now, she seemed to be free to add lines in. The most important thing is that the pig teammates are the most annoying to meet when downloading the book in the game, so she It's easy to get into the emotions of the game, and then start to expose those little habits that appear during the game or live broadcast.

Some mantras will also come out, I can't bear it...

"Very good, but you are still a little nervous in some places, but you have great potential and you will have a bright future in Japan. Congratulations on entering the re-examination. We will notify your agent when the time is up. We look forward to meeting you next time." Director Liu showed a picture The card was handed over to Tong Yao, Tong Yao was a little confused, he couldn't hold back his bad habit of shaking his legs and swearing, and he actually passed it?
Looking at Tong Yao's bewildered expression, Director Liu said again, "Do you have anything else to do?"

"No, it's okay, then I'll go first." Tong Yao picked up her mobile phone, opened the door and walked out, only to see Jiang Yushan standing at the door with a gloomy face.

Thinking of what Jiang Yushan said before, Nursery Rhyme whispered: "In the future, keep your voice down on the phone, especially when you want to speak ill of others."

Hearing this, Jiang Yushan was startled. She turned to look at Tong Yao, but Tong Yao was already walking briskly towards the elevator.

You don't need to look back at the nursery rhymes to guess what Jiang Yushan's expression is at the moment. Regardless of whether she can play this role in the end, as long as she can add trouble to this woman, she will be happy.

Who told her to speak ill of herself behind her back?

It was already noon and the sun was very bright outside. Tong Yao trotted out to take a taxi wearing a hat. As soon as she got to the side of the road, she felt someone approaching her. As soon as she turned around, she saw someone holding a gaudy parasol. It reached the top of her head: "This beautiful lady, do I have the honor to have lunch with you?"

Looking at Xiao who was wearing sunglasses and putting on airs, Tong Yao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth: "What the hell are you with an umbrella, and you have a lot of cartoons."

"You didn't let me pick you up by car, so I had to come here with an umbrella. This is the umbrella bought by Lao Zhang. I also think it's a bit naive." After Xiao Yijin finished speaking, she gently put her arms around Tong Yao's waist: "How about the audition?" ?”

"Hey, it's time for the next round." Tong Yao raised the card in his hand and continued, "It was agreed to interview for a small cameo role, but somehow it became the interview for the second female lead. Now the director chooses roles at any time." Are you changing it?"

Second female?

Xiao's footsteps paused for a moment, and then he didn't leave.

Tong Yao took a step forward, but found that the umbrella hadn't followed, so she took another step back and raised her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

At this moment, Xiao froze in place, his eyes were empty, and it took a few seconds before he lowered his head and asked, "Second girl, is there any emotional scene?"

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Nursery Rhyme: "No idea, I haven't read the full script."

This nursery rhyme is telling the truth, because Niu Niu gave her a very short script, and told her that it was her entire role. As for this Luo Xiaoyu... she also saw that she was the second female lead in the later script... …

Xiao Yijin frowned. Although he doesn't watch brain-dead idol dramas, generally speaking, the second female lead will either have emotional entanglements with the male lead, or have an official boyfriend...

(End of this chapter)

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