The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 721 The Vinegar King Attacks Again

Chapter 721 The Vinegar King Attacks Again
Either way, it's not a good sign...

Maybe they will hold hands, hug or something in the play.

Maybe there will be a kissing scene!
Thinking of this, our boss Xiao frowned: "No, you can't do a kissing scene with him."

"Ah?" Nursery Rhyme instinctively responded, and laughed loudly in the next second: "Hahahaha, Xiao Yijin, what the hell are you?"

In that short period of time just now, has this guy Xiao Yijin already imagined a big drama?
Facing the ruthless ridicule from the nursery rhyme, Xiao still didn't change his expression: "Anyway, it's not allowed, it's not allowed."

Fearing that someone would blow up his hair on the street, Nursery Rhyme echoed with a smile: "Okay, okay, I understand."

After the two of them had dinner together, Xiao Yijin sent the nursery rhyme home, then returned to the car by herself, and said to Lao Zhang with a serious face: "Old Zhang, how about the daughter's emotional drama in the Yaoyao interview? "

The smell of vinegar permeated the car, and Lao Zhang coughed lightly twice to ease the embarrassment: "Ahem, well, their TV series is adapted from a novel, and I haven't read that novel, but I can call and ask The acquaintances at Kunlun Film and Television..."

Xiao Yijin: "Okay, call now and turn on the speakerphone."

Old Zhang was in a cold sweat. Although he hadn't read that novel, how could it be possible for the second female lead to have no emotional scenes in this kind of online game romance novel?

Their young master is really serious, if you don't want Miss Tong to act, just say it, if you don't say it yourself, you will be jealous here.

He took out his mobile phone and found the number of the Kunlun film and television staff, Lao Zhang dialed it and pressed the speakerphone.

After a while, the other party answered the phone: "Hey, Lao Zhang, do you want to buy me a drink again?"

Old Zhang: "Mr. Qian, it is necessary to invite you to drink, but before drinking, I want to ask you a little question."

Mr. Qian: "Say it."

Lao Zhang: "You are currently in charge of the TV drama project "The Only You in This World". You should be familiar with the script, right? May I ask how the emotional drama of the second female lead is?"

"Hahaha, Lao Zhang, are you asking for your young lady? Director Liu is such a strict person, he praised Miss Tong for a long time in front of me today. As for the emotional drama of the second female, it's not too much." Speaking of nursery rhymes, Mr. Qian was also very satisfied. After watching the audition clips brought by Director Liu, he felt that they were more suitable.

Lao Zhang: "It's not too much, does it mean that it's still a little too much?"

Mr. Qian: "For this kiss scene, there are probably less than five. It seems like there is an intimate scene? But the scale is very small, there is no problem, you can rest assured Mr. Qin, after all, if the scale is too large, it cannot pass the trial. And that... beach scene..."

Xiao Yijin, who was sitting in the back, grew darker the more he listened, and later, Lao Zhang felt his back was getting cold...

There is a scene of holding hands and embracing, it is estimated that his young master will go crazy, who knows that there will be a kissing scene, an intimate scene, and a beach swimsuit scene...

Cough cough cough...

Then he said weakly: "Mr. Qian, thank you, I'll treat you to a drink tonight."

After hanging up the phone, Lao Zhang turned his head weakly to look at Xiao Yijin, swallowed lightly, and said, "Master, may I ask you about their screenwriter?"

Xiao Yijin nodded righteously: "Besides, it is originally a youth inspirational drama, so it should promote positive energy. Those intimate dramas can easily teach children badly."

Lao Zhang was extremely contemptuous in his heart, but he could only agree with him: "The young master is right, it makes sense."

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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