Chapter 722 The Treasure in the Illusion
"It's not confirmed yet that Yao Yao will be the second female lead, we'll wait until the matter is confirmed." After Xiao Yijin said this, her expression softened a little.

Old Zhang: "Yes."

It seems that their young master has not completely lost his mind. After a pause, Lao Zhang added: "Master, if it is confirmed that Ms. Tong will play the role at that time, then we may have to invite the director to have a meal together. Things don’t count when the screenwriter says it.”

"Yeah." Although his girl is good-looking, she is not from a major, after all, if someone who is stronger competes with her for the role, maybe I don't have to work around.

It's okay for a girl to act if she wants to, but if there is an intimate scene, it is absolutely impossible.

In the evening, the nursery rhyme was broadcast live, and a large number of fans immediately started asking about today's audition.

Nursery rhyme digs watermelon with a spoon and eats while saying: "The audition, it's okay, it went well."

Fan: "What does it mean that it went well? Did it pass or not?"

"There is no result yet, but don't pay too much attention to this matter. If you pay attention to this, you should pay attention to the new map. In this new map, my character appeared as an NPC. You should first find me and take a group photo to send to fans In the group, according to the order, the top [-] will get prizes." Speaking of this new map NPC, Tong Yao himself is looking forward to it.

This is what Xiao Yijin promised last time, but she never made it, and she doesn't know where she met this character because of the main mission.

Fans wailed: "Guest officer, our level is too low to do the main line of the new map."

"You can go to the new map if you don't have to do the mission. Remember to take pictures when you find it..." Tong Yao put down the spoon, found his way to the portal of the new map, passed through the portal, and started to read the map.

In the next second, she entered a freezing world...

She thought it was some kind of fairyland on earth, but who knew that it was a world of ice and snow, and it was still snowing. It was a hot day, so Nursery Rhyme felt a little cold for no reason.

She reached out and touched her arm, and then went to the mission location according to the guidance of the main mission, but she couldn't find herself after doing the mission for a long time...

As time passed, Tong Yao became more and more anxious, and wanted to call Xiao Yijin to ask.

At this moment, Tong Yao Yujian flew to a castle in the air. Two children were playing in the yard. Tong Yao looked left and right, but couldn't see anyone else, so she went up and touched the little girl. The little girl said : "Who are you, are you looking for my mother?"

Then there are two options, yes and no.

The nursery rhyme clicked yes, and the little girl said: "There are treasures in the illusion, you have to watch carefully, otherwise you will not only find the treasure but also may be trapped in the illusion. Of course, you can also choose not to enter the illusion, you can help My brother can get corresponding rewards for completing one thing.”


Click to enter the illusion.

One second, the nursery rhyme was still in a daze, but the next second, when the scene changed, she was already standing on the gate of the main city...

Looking around, it was a piece of golden acacia fruit, and Xiao Yijin's huge acacia fruit was hanging in the center, exuding a seductive luster.

This scene... Isn't it the scene where she stole the lovesickness fruit?

It's just that this picture is a little dim, and it looks like it's in a memory.

Just like watching a movie, this illusion has recorded all the details of her and Xiao Yijin's in-game experience, seeing them from disliking each riding horses boating

(End of this chapter)

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