Chapter 723
The roses and fireworks in the sky at the wedding seem to have a different taste at this moment.

Everything is over, and finally a line of words appears on the screen: When there is a limit to the ends of the world, there is only endless love.

Tong Yao squatted on the chair, hugged her knees, her eyes rolled slightly, slightly moist...

This guy……

One after another, players entered the illusion, and the world channel exploded after a while.

"Oh my god, is this a memory kill specially designed by the god of lovesickness for the guest official? Isn't it so fucking wonderful?"

"The single dog was tortured to death!"

"Those two poems are my favorite poems, and they are really suitable for this place. This is someone else's boyfriend."

"May I trouble you two to get married in place?"

"Tonight, we are all lemon essence."

"And if you find the exit of the illusion, you can get a lovesickness boat. Write down your wishes on it. If you are picked up by someone who is destined to fulfill your wish, you may even be able to lead to a marriage. It's so ingenious."

"Lord Acacia is saying that I have been missing the guest official boss all the time. These two people are together and abuse dogs every day, and I still miss it. It's really disgusting~"


Wu Jie didn't like watching plots, so he didn't enter the illusion, but chose to go to the little boy to complete the hunting task. Seeing the heated discussions on the World Channel, he was even more confused.

There is a feeling of being out of touch with the times.

Why is everyone going to the river and lake to put paper boats to catch paper boats? Today is not a festival...

What is he missing?
Then he turned his head to look at Sun Yi, and asked wonderingly: "What's wrong with these guys in this world? They said they watched a very beautiful movie, what the hell, why didn't I see it?"

Sun Yi yawned, and said disgustedly: "You have always skipped the f*ck plot, of course you haven't seen it. In the main mission of the new map, just click on the little girl to enter the illusion, and you can see it. "

"Oh, okay, I'll go and have a look." Back to the little girl, Wu Jie clicked to enter the illusion...

Then, Sun Yi noticed that there was no sound in the dormitory...

He turned his head in doubt, just in time to see that bastard Wu Jie wiping non-existent tears with a paper towel with a sand sculptured face: "It's really touching, why didn't I realize that the boss's journey to chase his wife is so hard before?" !"

Sun Yi was powerless to complain: "You're really retarded."

"Cut." Wu Jie turned around and left the illusion. As soon as he came out, he saw that guy Du Chuan just entered the yard. He immediately clicked his facial expressions and waved enthusiastically: Hi~
Then type in a nearby channel: Du Chuan, have you also passed the main line?Let me tell you that you must never go to the little boy's place, you will miss the big show...

Wu Jie: Du Chuan, your fashion is very handsome today?you dyed?

Wu Jie: Du Chuan, are you busy recently?Why don't I see you online?
After sending the message, Wu Jie sat there waiting for Du Chuan's reply, and then... saw Du Chuan directly enter the illusion.

Wu Jie was a little puzzled, did he not see his message just now?

It shouldn't be, typing on a nearby channel, the words are coming out of the top of the head, shouldn't it be invisible?
But if he saw it, this guy shouldn't be so cold and ignorant of himself.

Therefore, Wu Jie decided to stand here and wait.

After a while, Du Chuan came out of the illusion. Wu Jie immediately walked to the side and typed again: Du Chuan, didn't you see me?Are you blind?

Then... Du Chuan stepped on the flying sword and walked away...


(End of this chapter)

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