Chapter 740 Strange Rumors
He once asked Sister Ting on the sidelines, but Sister Ting quickly changed the subject and didn't tell him at all.

And Qin Yiyi's father liked Feng Ran back then, so Qin Yiyi's mother must have known something. Qin Yiyi must have known something from her mother, so she dared to threaten her again and again.

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Yijin released the trumpet from the blacklist, and then sent a message: "Qin Yiyi, what do you know? Just say it, and if you want anything, just say it."

About 10 minutes later, Qin Yiyi replied to the message: "Brother Xiao, meet me and we will talk in detail. If you keep rejecting me, when I am not happy, I will tell the secret directly to the nursery rhyme. You know the consequences."

Xiao Yijin: "How do I know that the so-called secret you said isn't lying to me?"

Qin Yiyi: "How many men in the business circle were obsessed with Feng Ran back then, my father was one of them, and my mother hated her so much, so of course I knew about those things, I even knew who was in Feng Ran's drink After taking the medicine, Tong Shuo had the opportunity to attack her."

Seeing this, Xiao Yijin felt chills behind her.

Combined with the things that Lao Zhang once told him, what Qin Yiyi said is very true.

Qin Yiyi: "Brother Xiao, I can give you time to think about it, but my patience is limited. If you make me wait for too long, I might just tell the nursery rhyme directly."

After typing these words, Qin Yiyi went offline directly.

Xiao Yijin cleared the chat history, stared at the computer screen, and stared blankly.

After Wu Jie finished the task, he went to take a shower, and then lay on the bed bored and checked Moments.

Originally, I thought that if there was a relationship in the game, it would not be so boring, but who knew that girl that day, promised to go to the lake with him, but let his pigeons go.

Yawning and looking boredly at Moments, suddenly, his direct pause.

Du Chuan: The date of going abroad has been fixed. Before leaving, brothers come to make an appointment.

Going abroad...the date...has been fixed?
Wu Jie sat down from the bed and stared at the message for a long time.

Sun Yi was frightened by him, and cursed in a low voice: "God is talking, did you take the wrong medicine?"

Click on Du Chuan's profile picture. At this time, his profile picture has changed from a photo of the two of them to a small chorus, still reciting Amitabha.

After looking at the chat records of the two, Wu Jie realized that Du Chuan hadn't sent him a message for a long time.

In the past, he sent himself messages like crazy every day, but now the chat page lists the messages he sent in the past, and he didn't reply.

Is he really leaving?
No, he left as soon as he left, what's going on with the emptiness in his heart?

Is this sick of being single for too long?
Wu Jie threw the phone aside in some puzzlement, pulled up the quilt and covered his head.

This series of actions made Xiao Jian and Sun Yi look at each other in blank dismay, covering their heads in this hot weather, Wu Jie is really stupid, isn't he?

On Wednesday, Nursery Rhyme skipped class and played games in the dormitory until it was dark.

Xiao Yijin's behavior was a little strange yesterday. In fact, he should know something... The more I think about the nursery rhyme, the more irritable I feel.

Jiang Ya came back from school and brought her food. Seeing her like that, she asked worriedly: "My fairy, did you quarrel with Brother Xiao?"

Tong Yao reached out and moved the lunch box in front of her, and said lazily: "Not really, how much is the meal, I will send you WeChat."

"No, no, no, how many big meals do you usually treat me to? Treat you to two meals in the cafeteria. I am still OK, but you are really weird today. How long has it been since I saw you skipping class and playing games? I didn't go out for a day, and I was unhappy." Jiang Ya was always gossip, and she was a little worried when she saw nursery rhymes like this, and there are some strange rumors coming from this school today.

(End of this chapter)

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