Chapter 741 Two Whisperers

She was afraid that those rumors were true, so she was still a little worried.

"I have nothing to do with you Brother Xiao, don't think about it, I just don't want to go to class today." Tong Yao lowered his head to eat, and the food he usually likes became tasteless in his mouth.

After taking a few mouthfuls of rice, Nursery Rhyme put the lunch box aside.

This made Jiang Ya feel that something was wrong. Her fairy always ate cleanly and rarely wasted food. All the dishes she ordered for her today were her favorites, but she actually ate two mouthfuls. don't eat...

This situation seems to be more serious than she imagined.

So I secretly sent Wu Jie WeChat to inquire about the news: Wu Xiaojie, is there anything unusual about your boss today?
Wu Jie: It's been abnormal since last night. Hey, I just stared at the computer without talking all day long.

Seeing the message, Jiang Ya widened her eyes, turned to look at the nursery rhyme, and then replied: My fairy skipped class today and played games in the dormitory all day, and she couldn't even eat, do you think these two people are in argument?
Wu Jie: Arguing?That's not the case, our boss is not willing to quarrel with the objective boss.

Jiang Ya: Then what do you think happened to them?
Wu Jie: I am a hen.

Jiang Ya: ...

Wu Jie: We wait and see how it gets better, otherwise something bad might happen.

Jiang Ya: Oh.

Nursery rhyme doesn’t even remember how many small tasks I have done, and finally got really bored, so I switched back to the large one and started digging for herbs…

Because the higher the grade of the medicine, the longer it takes, and this elixir only takes half an hour to mature. If you collect it in half an hour, it will wither directly.

So she digs medicines to become popular, so as to avoid anyone from robbing her...

She had been guarding the medicine in front of her for more than ten minutes. Seeing that the medicinal materials were ripe and ready to be picked, she immediately became popular and began to collect the medicine. In a trance, she felt a black shadow approaching. She instinctively Just hit it with your hands, it's really a skill...

A cool corpse appeared next to him...

There was a series of crying expressions on the corpse, which looked very bleak.

The nursery rhyme was already in a bad mood, so she typed on a nearby channel: Didn't you see that I was driving red?Still want to grab my medicinal materials?
Innocent trumpet: Boss, I can't dig high-level elixir with my combat power, I'm just passing by... I'm still in the same university town as you, boss, you're too serious...

Nursery rhyme: If you don’t tell me, how do I know that you are from the same university town as me, and you walked past me, I thought you were going to grab my medicinal materials.

Nursery rhyme: The next time you see my red name, please stay away from me, or I'm afraid of accidentally hurting you again.

Innocent trumpet: Big guest officer, I remember your boyfriend is Xiao Ershao from Xianmeng Game, right?

Nursery Rhyme: Well, yes.

Innocent trumpet: I saw someone posting in the post bar in our university city today, saying that I saw Xiao Ershao eating alone with a girl.

Eating alone with a girl?
Nursery rhyme played games all day today, so naturally she didn't pay attention to any post bars, but Xiao Yijin did not contact her all day today.

She never doubted Xiao Yijin's heart for her.

But at this moment, what she cares about is whether the person Xiao Yijin is going to see is Qin Yiyi...

If so, what would they talk about?
Will you talk about Qin Yiyi's so-called secret?
Thinking of this, Tong Yao took out her mobile phone and quickly opened the post bar, and found the post that the person said in the post bar in the university city. Looking at that figure, it was Qin Yiyi who was right...

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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