The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 742 Immortal Love and Mortal Love

Chapter 742 Immortal Love and Mortal Love

After the trumpet sent the message, the resurrection left.

Tong Yao stared at those photos for a long time, but she was thinking about another thing.

Xiao Yijin met Qin Yiyi, which showed that more than 50.00% of what Qin Yiyi said was true, otherwise, with Xiao Yijin's temperament, it would be impossible to have dinner alone with Qin Yiyi.

What are the hidden truths that my grandfather couldn't find out?

Thinking of these things, Nursery Rhyme no longer wanted to play games, she quit the game, and moved the chair to the balcony of the dormitory to sit and enjoy the breeze.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Ya didn't know how to comfort her.

In the past, she was envious of nursery rhymes, envied nursery rhymes and Xiao Yijin's fairy love, but then she gradually discovered that fairy love also has pain and struggle, maybe it's no different from mortals like them.

There are boys downstairs in the dormitory who are confessing their love, and the girls upstairs and downstairs are booing one after another.

"Promise him!"

"Together with!"

"Kiss one! Kiss one!"


The laughter and booing reminded Nursery Rhyme of the scene of Xiao Yijin confessing to her at the party. At that time, he stepped out of nowhere, and everything was like a dream...

"How many times have I told you that you are not allowed to light candles under the dormitory? Why don't you listen?" The dorm auntie cursed, Tong Yao stood up and looked down, and saw the boy who confessed his love was beaten by the dormitory. The aunt was driven away.

Even the flowers in her hand haven't been handed over to the girl yet.

"Zhang Xiaojuan, I like you, I like you! Be my girlfriend, please!" The boy finally plucked up the courage to shout, and the girls who watched the excitement upstairs in the dormitory shouted excitedly, and the girls dared to move to tears Orbital, ran over to take the flowers in his hand.

In the past, she didn't like to read such lively nursery rhymes, but since she was with Xiao Yijin, she felt that the edges, corners and thorns she used to have seemed to have softened.

Xiao Yijin, maybe he wasn't a qualified boyfriend from the beginning, but he was sincere and wanted to give her everything he could.

Thinking of this, Tong Yao sighed softly, feeling a lot more relaxed.

Before going to bed, after struggling with nursery rhymes for a long time, she still sent Xiao Yijin a wechat message: What did you and Qin Yiyi talk about today?
A few seconds later, Xiao Yijin replied: No, the conversation broke down as soon as we met.

Nursery Rhyme: Why?
Xiao Yijin: She is a lunatic, so don't bother with her, but you can rest assured that I will take care of it, and the incident of jumping off a building in the library last time will not happen again.

After thinking for a while, I still asked the question in my heart: Does Qin Yiyi know about my mother?
Xiao Yijin had already read the restored chat records, so naturally she didn't want to hide anything from the nursery rhymes, so she said: Yes, but she made a condition before she would tell me those things, and then we fell apart.

Looking at Xiao Yijin's message, Tong Yao knew that he would not be able to ask any more questions, so he sent a good night emoji, and then put down the phone.

Qin Yiyi's life has been a little nourishing these days, it's time to meet her for a while.

Early the next morning, Kunlun Films and Television officially confirmed the list of leading actors for the new drama. There was no name for Nursery Rhyme on it, but the official specifically stated that Tong Yao had already been scheduled to play the role, but Tong Yao temporarily wanted to finish his studies and gave up this opportunity. , and the official respected her wishes, and hoped that there would be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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