Chapter 751 The Liar
Seeing her not speaking for a long time, Yun Zilei asked again: "Then what do you want to tell the nursery rhyme today?"

"I can't tell you this." Although Qin Yiyi is not very smart, she is not stupid. It is one of her trump cards, how could she show her cards to others so easily.

Seeing her guarded look, Yun Zilei sneered, "It's nothing more than those old things. You are a person who tells a lot of lies. How much do you think nursery rhymes will be believed when they come out of your mouth?"

"Of course I have my own way, don't worry about it, as long as I finish talking with her, what you do to her is your business, it has nothing to do with me." After Qin Yiyi finished speaking, it happened that The restaurant staff started serving the food.

Thinking of the table being sprayed with water by Qin Yiyi just now, Yun Zilei felt even more uncomfortable, so he got up and said, "Let's change to the private room next door."

The waiter didn't want to make trouble, anyway, the next door was still empty, so he asked the two to change.

Yun Zilei gave Tong Yao a private room number, and sat at the window looking at the scenery bored.

As time passed, Qin Yiyi's patience was exhausted. It was already two o'clock, but the nursery rhyme still did not appear...

A table of dishes has already cooled down.

After another half an hour, Qin Yiyi really lost her patience, so she asked, "Yun Zilei, did Tongyao contact Xiao Yijin? She knew it was a scam, so she stopped coming."

"Hello, are you Miss Qin?" A waiter pushed the door open, holding a large bouquet of red roses in his hand.

Qin Yiyi, who was delivering the goods, was slightly taken aback: "Yes, I am, what's the matter?"

"A gentleman asked me to pass this flower to you." The man lowered the flower to Qin Yiyi's hand, and then backed out.

Qin Yiyi was a little dazed holding the flower, and took out the small piece of paper on the flower. She was overjoyed, and stood up holding the flower: "The nursery rhyme hasn't come yet, and I'm tired of waiting, I'll go out first Walk."

After finishing speaking, before Yun Zilei could reply, Qin Yiyi wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, before she took two steps, Yun Zilei stretched out a long leg and blocked her, "She may come at any time, I don't care who you are going to date, but you can't delay my plan."

"Then let's say I don't tell her about it today. When she comes, you just stun her and take her away. I'm hungry. I'm going to eat. If I just leave, I won't delay your time." Don't think I don't know you booked the hotel, I know exactly what you want to do!" Qin Yiyi insisted on leaving, but Yun Zilei refused.

He stood up directly and leaned against the door, blocking the door tightly.

Yun Zilei's face was sullen, he really wanted to tie the nursery rhyme to the hotel first, but he didn't expect Qin Yiyi to know about it!

Looking at Yun Zilei with a bad face in front of her, Qin Yiyi was a little scared. She stood there staring at Yun Zilei for a long time, and finally had to compromise, sat back in her seat, and muttered: "Do you want Grabbing nursery rhyme is nothing more than trying to use her to threaten Xiao Yijin to agree to your conditions. What I want to tell nursery rhyme can be said today or another day. I really have important people to see now, so let me go Can't you go out? Anyway, without me, you can still achieve your goal. "

For some reason, facing Yun Zilei like this, Qin Yiyi felt a little flustered. The next second, she grabbed the flowers in her bosom, and distanced herself from Yun Zilei a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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