Chapter 752 The Butterfly Effect
"Actually, I'm curious. Is the incident you told the nursery rhyme the same incident that Feng Ran was insulted back then. The police also conducted a careful investigation at that time, and there were no witnesses or relevant evidence. So, what do you know? Something?" After Yun Zilei finished speaking, Qin Yiyi's eyes widened in fright.

All those who knew the truth remained silent about what happened back then, and the reason why I knew it was because her mother accidentally confide in a few words after drinking.

But why did Yun Zilei know... Feng Ran was murdered instead of being Tong Shuo's mistress.

"You, why did you know about that matter, you..." Qin Yiyi was a little scared. There were many people involved in that matter, so those people unanimously declared that Feng Ran was the mistress, but the actual inside story was very Few people know that as long as there is a hole in this matter, it will be like a butterfly effect... People will continue to be involved.

Those people didn't dare to provoke Mr. Feng back then, let alone Mr. Feng now...

Even if she planned to use this time to drive a wedge between nursery rhyme and Xiao Yijin, she didn't plan to tell the truth.

"Say, tell me." Seeing Qin Yiyi's dodging eyes, Yun Zilei felt more and more amused, and walked forward a few steps, reached forward and pinched Qin Yiyi's chin: "Say, Tell me, tell me the secret, and I can let you go..."

"Let go of me, let me go!" Qin Yiyi's chin was pinched so painfully that tears flowed down her eyes after a while...

The man in front of her seemed to be possessed by a demon, and the hand that pinched her chin was moved to her neck, and he exerted more and more force, as if he would crush her to death in the next second.

The rose in her hand fell to the ground, Qin Yiyi loudly shouted: "What are you going to do, Yun Zilei, if something happens to me, my parents won't let you go..."

Qin Yiyi's embarrassment didn't get half of Yun Zilei's sympathy, it just made him loathe the woman in front of him even more.

"Oh, you two, what kind of drama is this?" A joking voice sounded at the door, Yun Zilei turned his head, and saw nursery rhyme appearing at the door with a smile on his face.

Glancing at the roses that fell on the ground, Tong Yao's eyes changed slightly, and then he smiled and said, "What are you trying to do by lying to me?"

Yun Zilei let go of Qin Yiyi, Qin Yiyi's makeup was all over, and she looked very embarrassed.

She reached out to wipe her tears, picked up her bag, and rushed out of the private room. At that moment, she felt that Yun Zilei wanted to crush her to death...

"I miss you, but I know you won't see me, so I tricked you out in this way." Yun Zilei spoke calmly, as if the man with the hideous face just now wasn't him.

"No, don't say such things to scare me. You are not so much thinking about me as you are trying to tie me up to negotiate terms with Xiao Yijin. It's just that you are too confident and underestimate me. Do you think this is the case? Can pediatric tricks fool me?" Tong Yao's words made Yun Zilei's eyes change slightly, he didn't expect Tong Yao to have seen through his deception from the very beginning...

But since she knew it was a scam and dared to come here alone, it was really her mistake.

Turning around and looking at the door, Yun Zilei was about to walk over and close the door, but in the next second, a few people suddenly jumped out of the door, holding beer, drinks and fruit in their hands...

Wu Jie: "Holy shit, sir, there's such a big table of food, but it looks cold, right? Do you want someone to reheat it?"

(End of this chapter)

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