Chapter 768 Give Me a Cigarette
The professor of this subject is quite friendly and has narrowed down the scope, but... there is still half a book left.

Nursery rhyme looked at the important points marked out with a red marker pen in the textbook, and suddenly remembered the final exams of last semester. Xiao Yijin sorted out the important points for her. She didn't worry too much, and then all the exams passed. Textbooks, she has a headache.

Thinking of this, Tong Yao suddenly froze for a moment, then stretched out her hand and patted her head, what was she thinking, why did she suddenly think of him.

It's not like it wouldn't work without him.

No other distractions, no other distractions, study hard, try not to fail exams...

Jiang Ya knew that Tong Yao felt uncomfortable, but Tong Yao was a very strong person and would never show it, even if Tong Yao didn't say anything.

But she understood that her fairy must still be waiting for Xiao Yijin to come back, and tell her what's going on face to face.

On the other side, Yu Ting received the news from the bodyguard that Xiao Yijin had gone on a hunger strike. From being locked up to now, she hadn't had a drop of water or eaten anything.

Although Yu Ting is ruthless, she can't be ruthless when facing her son, but she can't release Xiao Yijin so quickly. The longer it takes, the nursery rhyme will believe that Xiao Yijin really wants to break up. If Xiao Yijin runs away now Came out, and ran back to explain, this may be all the previous efforts she had done were in vain.

After thinking for a long time, Yu Ting sent a message to the bodyguard: "Three meals a day are still delivered, and by the way, if you want to see nursery rhymes alive, it is best to eat."

At dinner time, the bodyguard brought the food in. The room was dimly lit. Xiao Yijin sat cross-legged in front of the floor-to-ceiling window without looking back...

Thick stubble grew from his chin, and his eyes were out of focus, making even the bodyguards look worried.

After thinking for a long time, the bodyguard said: "Master, if you want to see Miss Tong Yao alive, then you'd better eat your meal."

In the air, apart from the slight breathing, there was no other sound.

After a long time, the bodyguard heard Xiao Yijin sneer with his back turned to him: "She only has power and status in her heart. Does it matter whether I live or die?"

The bodyguard froze for a moment, stepped out quickly and locked the door.

He knew that the girl Xiao Yijin was talking about was Yu Ting.

But he dared not tell Yu Ting this.

In fact, Xiao Yijin was just betting on whether Yu Ting would watch him starve to death here like this. He was exhausted physically and mentally. He never thought that the considerate and kind sister Ting would do such a great job in this matter... …

Rumor... Rumor...

During the days when he was trapped, he missed her every day, missed her...

Think about everything they've been through.

Thinking of the days when she was reviewing with nursery rhymes last year, Xiao Yijin's brows softened: "Yaoyao, the final exam is coming up again, I'm not here, did you review well..."

Reaching out to touch the glass in front of her, Xiao Yijin's eyes suddenly froze.

Don't open the door, right?He wanted to see how hard Sister Ting's heart was.

Standing up slowly with the help of the sofa beside him, Xiao Yijin felt a little dizzy, and he looked a little weak after not having eaten for a long time. He took a few steps forward, his body shaking a little.

When he reached the door, he reached out and patted the door. After a while, the door opened, and the bodyguard asked respectfully, "Master, what do you need?"

"Give me a cigarette." Xiao Yijin whispered.

The people at the door looked at each other in blank dismay. In their memory, Xiao Yijin didn't smoke.

But Yu Ting told them to watch Xiao Yijin and not let him go out, and she didn't say not to let him smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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