Chapter 769 On Fire...

After hesitating for a few seconds, a bodyguard took out a cigarette and handed it to Xiao Yijin directly.

Xiao Yijin grabbed the cigarette in her hand, and said, "Borrow me a fire."

"Okay." The bodyguard lit a cigarette for Xiao Yijin, and Xiao Yijin retreated into the room and closed the door.

Xiao Yijin who entered the room did not smoke, but went to the bathroom to take out the paper rolls, tore a pile of papers, then brought the sheets on the bed to the door, dragged a bedside table, and put it behind the door.

After preparing everything, he lightly raised the cigarette butt, and began to lightly... gently blow on the tissue...

The paper towel started to smoke, and after a few tries, a small flame was successfully ignited.

After a while, a bodyguard at the door seemed to smell something strange, so he looked at his companion: "Do you smell any burning smell?"

Several people took a serious sniff, and then nodded together: "It may be that a room in this hotel is on fire, why don't you go and have a look, otherwise if the fire is serious, it will affect the young master and young lady..."

"No, it's the young master's room!" A bodyguard with a pale face pointed to the crack in the door of Xiao Yijin's room, and found smoke coming out of Yijin's room!

The bodyguards were frightened out of their wits, and took out the key cards to open the door, but found... Xiao Yijin had an anti-theft chain attached from the inside, and couldn't open it at all, and at this time the fire began to spread...

They can't get in.

Fearing that it would affect Xiao Zihan, the bodyguard quickly released Xiao Zihan from the room.

Before Xiao Zihan, who had regained his freedom, had time to react, he was startled by the billowing smoke from Xiao Yijin's room: "Oh my God, why are you standing there! Save my second brother!"

The fire alarm sounded, and the hotel's security personnel rushed to put out the fire. The corridors of the hotel on this floor were covered in thick smoke. All the hotel residents panicked, and the hotel was in chaos...

Yu Ting was applying the mask, but received a call from the bodyguard. She answered the phone and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ma'am, the young master's room is on fire." Hearing this, Yu Ting stood up immediately, "There is nothing in his room that can catch fire. How could the room catch fire? How is he doing now?"

"We are fighting the fire, but the fire is very serious. The young master asked us for a cigarette tonight, and we didn't give him a lighter..." The bodyguard was about to be scared to death now, so naturally he couldn't imagine that Xiao Yijin used that Lit cigarettes... lit tissues... lit sheets...

Being stuffed in the room for such a long time, he was either burned to death or choked to death by the thick smoke.

Yu Ting couldn't calm down anymore, she grabbed the mask off her face and threw it away, and called the driver to speed away towards the hotel.

Sitting in the car, Yu Ting was shaking all over. She never thought that Xiao Yijin would use this method to tell her his attitude.

The fire was finally extinguished, Xiao Zihan rushed in like crazy, she was choked by the thick smoke in the room and she burst into tears, she finally found Xiao Yijin who was lying on the bed, but at this moment his eyes were closed and he was motionless, and his face was very scary.

Xiao Zihan was a little scared, but he touched Xiao Yijin's warm hand, and then cried and shouted to the bodyguards behind him: "Why are you so dazed, he still has a pulse, his body is still warm, he's not dead !"

Amidst Xiao Zihan's roar, several bodyguards quickly carried Xiao Yijin on their backs, and led them away from the smoky room...

The ambulance arrived just in time, and the ambulance staff carried Xiao Yijin into the ambulance. Xiao Zihan was about to get into the ambulance when she saw Yu Ting get off the car. Xiao Zihan pointed at her and yelled, "It's all because of you. The second brother almost died! Could it be that in your eyes, other people's love is not as good as your own selfishness?"

"Mom is also for your own good. I did all this for you..." After Yu Ting finished speaking, Xiao Zihan got into the ambulance and closed the door directly, refusing Yu Ting's entry.

Xiao Zihan looked at the comatose Xiao Yijin, how could his tsundere elder brother who was obsessed with cleanliness be tortured into this state, the more she thought about it, the more sad she felt, and she lay on him and started crying...

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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