Chapter 784 full of disgust

On this day, Jiang Ya went out to celebrate Lin Feng's birthday, and Tong Yao was left alone in her original seat to study the topics, but after studying for half a morning, she still didn't understand the topics.

At this moment, Xiao Yijin's face popped into his mind, and a damn thought flashed through his mind, if only that guy was here.

"Bah, bah, what are you thinking?" Nursery rhyme even detested her own thoughts. She rubbed her fleshy hair, sat up straight, and opened her laptop to look up information about the topic, but she didn't find any useful information... …

Just when she was so angry that she wanted to smash the computer, someone suddenly came across from her and sat down. When Tong Yao looked up, she saw a cold face...

He was exuding air-conditioning all over his body, grabbed the nursery rhyme textbook and glanced at it, and then there was an undisguised...disgust...

This is the second expression Nursery Rhyme sees on his face besides coldness.

Then without saying a word, he grabbed the pen of Nursery Rhyme and started to do the questions without saying a word. After a while, he pushed the book in front of Nursery Rhyme, got up and left...

This man... how fat is he?

Tong Yao looked down and saw the ideas for solving the problems written in the textbook. His writing was as strong and powerful as his own.

At the bottom of the problem-solving ideas, I also marked three words: Thank you.

This librarian... seems like a not-so-bright Yazi.

I didn't even say I wanted to thank him.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the nursery rhyme who had read the book all day stretched out of the library. The exam is really fatal. When I was in the third year of high school, the teacher always lied to people that university is heaven.

Want now, those teachers are all liars.

There are many exam subjects in universities.

Not wanting to go to the cafeteria to eat, Nursery Rhyme leisurely walked to the food city outside the school. At this time, the sun had not yet set, and the weather was unbelievably hot.

This gourmet city is very close to Hangda University. Many students like to eat here, so naturally they often meet acquaintances.

Especially the nursery rhymes. I knew a lot of people in school, and I was stared at wherever I went.

Walking to the third floor of the Food City, Tong Yao finally found a restaurant with fewer people and sat down, then ordered food.

"There are too many people today, there are queues everywhere, there are so few families, isn't it delicious?"

"Eat whatever you want, the illusion here is good, at least the air conditioner is very cool."

"Have you heard, Senior Xiao seems to be going abroad." A girl who just walked into the store said such a sentence, Tong Yao instinctively turned to look at them.

going abroad?

If Xiao Yijin goes abroad, will the Xianmeng game technology department be replaced?
"If you want me to say that the senior is hurt by love, he just doesn't want to stay in this place." The girl said again.

Hearing this, Tong Yao snorted coldly in her heart, was he hurt by love?
He hasn't said he was hurt by love, what qualifications does he have?
She didn't know how much she had endured since the unilateral breakup on Weibo these days, so the public opinion was not good for her, but no one said anything against him.

But that's right, Sister Ting can't let others hurt her son.

"But I think Nursery Rhyme is also really cruel. I heard from a freshman student that the senior asked someone to send a message to Nursery Rhyme that day, saying that she would not leave if she didn't come down. It seems that she even wrote a letter of her own. But the nursery rhyme really made the senior spend the whole night outside in the rain, if it were me, how could I be willing?" After the girl finished speaking, nursery rhyme's eyes immediately turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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