Chapter 785 Chapter 790 Six Encounters
That night, Xiao Yijin did call her, but no one came to the dormitory to call her, and no one gave her anything.

"Sorry classmate, I'm sorry to bother you, who did you hear that Xiao Yijin asked someone to talk to me that night?" Tong Yao walked up to those girls and asked, and those girls were also taken aback. They also didn't expect to be hit straight for talking about others behind their backs.

Suddenly a little embarrassed.

The girl who spoke just now said with a flattering smile: "A junior girl I know said that senior Xiao asked her to bring you something that night, but she refused because she didn't want to climb the stairs, so it was another girl who sent you the letter at that time. It seems to be a girl in your class who said she was on the same floor as you, she...she forgot to send you a message, right?"


Tong Yao's eyes immediately turned cold. No wonder Xiao Yijin stood downstairs stupidly all night. It turned out that he had asked someone to bring him a message, so he didn't go down, so he kept waiting...

People on the same floor as me, in the same class?

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Tong Yao smiled and said, "Maybe she forgot to give it to me. Do you know the girl's last name? Since Xiao Yijin and I have broken up, I don't want to keep that letter either. I want to come back and get it." Go and return it to him, after all, Xiao Yijin wrote it to me, so it's not good to leave it with others."

"Looks like it's Joe." A girl who didn't speak said that, Tong Yao's eyes sank slightly: "Thank you."

Smiling and thanking, the moment she turned around, Tong Yao's eyes completely cooled down.

Qiao Yutong was the only one in her class who was surnamed Qiao.

This woman... It's impossible that she forgot to send her a message. She wished that Xiao Yijin would break up with her quickly, so how could she really send her a letter.

But Xiao Yijin is really a fool, since he found someone to deliver the letter to himself.

When they met the next day, why didn't he say a word about it.

After eating alone, Tong Yao walked downstairs with her bag on her back. As soon as she reached the third floor, she saw Qiao Yutong and a few boys coming up from the lower floor, playing and playing.

The moment I saw her, the nursery rhyme immediately became amused, this fate, sometimes it is so wonderful.

Before she went to Qiao Yutong to talk about her life ideals, this woman came to her door automatically.

No matter what, Xiao Yijin couldn't let Xiao Yijin get wet all night in the rain for nothing.

"Hey, isn't this our big anchor? What's the matter? No one will eat with you today, do you want to eat with us?" Qiao Yutong has long since torn her face with nursery rhymes, so naturally she won't give nursery rhymes a good look read.

"I don't want to. Some people's faces look delicious, but some people's faces are disgusting." For Qiao Yutong, a hypocritical woman, Tong Yao was not polite at all.

Hearing this, Qiao Yutong was not angry, but instead covered her mouth and laughed: "I think you are quite pitiful for being unilaterally broken up. I know how long you can sit as the number one anchor of Xianmeng."

Hearing this, the nursery rhyme was amused: "It's terrible to be uneducated. Before I met Xiao Yijin, there were more than 3 nobles in my live broadcast room. It seems that there is no shortage of him, but I am actually quite distressed when you mention this. , if my live broadcast room is abolished, I will go back and inherit hundreds of millions of property."

Qiao Yutong, who didn't watch the live broadcast, naturally didn't know what it meant to be an anchor with more than 3 nobles, and that was the data before Tongyao didn't know Xiao Yijin. Now the number of nobles in Tongyao live broadcast room has doubled.

Tong Yao is a person who doesn't like to show off, but for a woman like Qiao Yutong, as long as it makes her unhappy, Tong Yao feels that it's okay to show off.

Seeing Qiao Yutong's face change, Tong Yao smiled softly again: "I've always been open-minded in live broadcasting, and so is my life. Unlike some people, if I'm not doing well, I hope that others are also not. Hey, By the way, why don't you go out for a while, don't go to your great cause, that high-level..."

"Shut up!" Qiao Yutong interrupted Tong Yao in a panic. Did Tong Yao know about her throwing the letter into the trash can? did she know that she was doing that...

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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