The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 796 Looks Like Someone Stealing a Dog

Chapter 796 Looks Like Someone Stealing a Dog
Lao Zhang looked at his young master's aggrieved look, and whispered, "Master, didn't you say that you have already thought of ways to curry favor with Mr. Feng? It didn't work?"

"If you don't take the soft and the hard, it won't even work if you play the game for free." Xiao Yijin knew that this time the old man was determined.

Why is it so difficult for him to chase his wife?
For this exam, the old man asked Lao Yu to deliver the nursery rhymes outside the exam room himself, and even brought two bodyguards to wait outside.

Seeing Nursery Rhyme come to take the exam and bring bodyguards, the students in the class are also talking about it.

"They're all in the same class. Who is she bringing bodyguards to guard against?"

"That's right, and you're wearing a hat for the exam, what kind of shape is it?"

"Missy is Missy, you brought bodyguards with you when you come to the exam?" Zhuang Yan had just finished speaking, and Jiang Ya directly yelled at her: "If you are pushed down from the escalator by your classmates and smashed into pieces?" Seriously injured, are you afraid?"

After the words fell, several people around fell silent.

To put it bluntly, these girls are from the family background of sour nursery rhymes, but that is only a very small number of people, many people still care about nursery rhymes.

While she was sitting in the seat, some people came over to greet her, and Nursery Rhyme responded politely.

"Tongyao, are you okay? Who bought your hat? It looks like someone who stole a dog." Jiang Ya came up, first dismissing Tongyao...

The corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched: "I said Xiaoya, can you be more friendly to me, you despised me when you came back."

Although Nursery Rhyme himself dislikes this hat, the old man's appreciative eyes fluctuate from high to low, very confusing...

"By the way, is Qiao Yutong still closed?" When Jiang Ya learned that it was Qiao Yutong who pushed the nursery rhyme down, she was terribly frightened. She didn't expect that woman to be so mad.

"Grandpa handled this matter, and I'm not very clear about the specifics." After Tong Yao finished speaking, the exam time was almost up, and the invigilator walked in.

One is the invigilator, the other is probably a teaching assistant or a graduate student, and this time the person who came in with the actually the librarian...

Nursery rhyme couldn't help complaining secretly, why is this guy everywhere.

But after meeting him so many times, she didn't even seem to know the person's name.

After handing out the test papers and answer sheets, Nursery Rhyme habitually began to do reading comprehension first. She turned her pen while looking at the questions, and after a while... she found someone approaching her.

She looked up subconsciously, and saw that guy walking over with a test paper, Tong Yao glanced at it, then quickly lowered her head...

Then, for the next few minutes, she found the guy walking back and forth around her the entire time.

Is this guy worried about cheating?
Judging by his age, he is obviously not very old, he should also be a person who has just passed the university exam, why is he not reasonable at all...

Although the university exams are strict, there is always water, and everyone knows it well.

And this guy has been wandering here all the time, making a few people in the class who are careful not to move, and want to die.

After all, this guy doesn't look very kind.

After doing a few questions, Nursery Yao yawned and looked up, only to realize that the paper in front of the man in front of him was a bit unusual. He had finished all of them... and the options were written in super large... bold and bold...

(End of this chapter)

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