Chapter 797
A look of fear that others will not see.

Lowering his head, a thought popped up, what the hell... The purpose of this guy hanging around here...

Want to show yourself the answer?
The invigilator knew the law and broke the law!

No no no.

Moreover, why did she want to read it? Who knows if this guy's accuracy is high.

There was a painful lesson during the high school monthly exam. She saw the little brother sitting next to her writing hard all the time, thinking that the little brother was a top student, and then peeked at the answer, feeling very happy, and the result came out When I was working, I found that my grades were not as good as what I usually do...

So, sometimes you are the most reliable.

Seeing the nursery rhyme, she continued to bow her head and write the topic by herself. Chu Ye, who was standing beside her, was about to go berserk?

Is this woman blind or stupid, can't even read the answer?
Worried that she couldn't see clearly, he took it back and made it dark, okay?
Standing next to her and watching for a while, I found that her correct rate of doing the questions was really touching. How did such a person get admitted to Hangda? When did their school become so poor?
Eh, stupid.

Tong Yao didn't know at all, she had already been stamped with a stupid seal by Chu Ye, and she checked it carefully after writing the topic, and felt very satisfied.

Because there was an exam in the afternoon, Tong Yao didn't go back to the hospital, so she went to the cafeteria to have dinner with Jiang Ya, planning to go back after the exam in the afternoon.

While Tong Yao was eating, the two bodyguards stood by and looked at the people around them fiercely.

It feels like everyone around is going to come up to harm nursery rhymes.

Jiang Ya observed the two people while eating, and couldn't help laughing: "Fairy, I think your grandfather is really cute, and he even arranged two bodyguards to guard you all the time. He thinks how many bad guys are there in our school?" ?”

"Maybe he arranged these two people to guard against not the bad guys in the school, but a certain person." Nursery rhyme spoke a little loudly, and it hurt the wound, and he could only eat slowly, which was very painful.

"Ah? A certain person?" Jiang Ya couldn't turn her head around for a while, and after thinking for a long time, she patted the table and said, "Be careful of the senior? Why?"

"Grandpa has a big opinion on him about the unilateral breakup this time, so it will definitely not make it easier for him if he gets the chance." Tong Yao doesn't want to say more about Sister Ting.

"I feel like brother Xiao chasing a wife is similar to Xitian, it's hard to be ninety-nine and 81..." Jiang Ya sighed, and continued to bow her head to eat.

Before the exam started in the afternoon, Tong Yao was taking out the exam equipment and putting them away, when he saw the chief examiner come in, and another was that...that...a man from the library?

Did he contract the proctor or something?
Although I heard that the invigilator is paid for, but he invigilated their class twice in a row, the a bit low...

After the exam started, the situation in the morning happened again...

Half an hour after the exam started, a certain person began to wander around the nursery rhymes with the papers filled with choices and filled in the blanks. As for the big questions later, he gave up because he felt that with the IQ of nursery rhymes, he could read nursery rhymes even when he wrote nursery rhymes. don't know.

When the exam is over, the candidates leave first, and the invigilators usually leave behind.

Tong Yao was really curious, so he waited until the others had left, and stopped him: "Hey, wait a minute, I have something to ask you."

Chu Ye paused, handed the papers collected in his hand to the professor, then turned around and walked back to the nursery rhyme, and said a word coldly: "Say."

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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