Chapter 805 What a Handsome Senior

The nursery rhyme in the ward is confused, what kind of malicious person... what does it mean?
Is there anyone more malicious than Sister Ting?
Probably no more.


Early the next morning, Tong Yao woke up, and there was lightning and thunder outside.

Lao Yu had been waiting outside the ward for a long time. When he saw the nursery rhyme, he whispered, "Miss, do you have your exam admission ticket and student ID? Don't leave anything behind."

Nursery rhyme last night after eating Xiao’s supper and reciting books for more than three hours, she really didn’t get enough sleep, so she yawned and said, “I’ve packed everything, Uncle Yu, you don’t have to come see me off so early.” , I’ll just take a taxi and go there by myself.”

Old Yu shook his head: "No, the chairman has ordered that we must personally pick up the lady when she goes to the exam."

"Okay, then let's go." Lao Yu bought hot milk and bread for Tong Yao, and Tong Yao watched the rain outside the window while eating in the car.

After a long time, Lao Yu said slowly, "Miss, have you reconciled with Second Young Master Xiao?"

Hearing this, Tong Yao's heart skipped a beat, "No."

"Miss, I know about the breakup last time. It was planned by Xiao Ershao's mother. If such a thing happened, the chairman will not agree to your marriage again. You also know that since you met, the director Chang has always taken good care of you, for fear that you will be wronged. With such an insidious family, how can he rest assured that you will marry me? If you call me Uncle Yu, I will just say a few words. I hope you will think about this matter carefully, miss Clear." Lao Yu said so much, in fact, out of concern for nursery rhymes.

After all, what happened last time really hurt the nursery rhyme too much.

How can a woman who can run the entire enterprise behind Xiao's enterprise be an idler? Nursery rhyme has always been pure-minded, devoted herself to games, and has too little knowledge of people, so she was hurt.

"Uncle Yu, don't worry, I will think about it carefully." Tong Yao knows better than anyone else, but sometimes it is really difficult to make a choice.

That day, she made up her mind to make a clean break with Xiao Yijin, but after she was injured, she was in a daze, listening to him crying and telling the past, at that moment, her heart could no longer be hardened.

A rain made the weather in the imperial capital a little bit worse.

The wind was very strong, and Nursery Rhyme was wearing a hat, and he had to stretch out one hand to hold the hat, otherwise the hat would be in danger of being blown away in a matter of minutes.

It was very difficult to walk to the teaching building, and the knees were drenched in water.

Walking to the examination room, she found her own seat and sat down. Tong Yao sat in a daze on the seat, but Jiang Ya hadn't come yet.

The rain was still heavy, and the students were chatting in a few words, and occasionally some people came to talk to nursery rhymes.

"It's raining a lot today."

"Yes, are you going to do a summer job? I found a company, and the salary is not bad."

"I won't go, I want to go back and see my mother."

"Ah, I saw that handsome senior outside, we seem to have him proctoring the exam again today!" A girl trotted in from outside, her face flushed with excitement.

Such a handsome senior?
Tong Yao glanced out lazily, and saw Chu Ye appearing at the window with a blank expression on his face.

What the fuck?

Is it him again?
All the girls in the class were very excited.

Nursery rhyme felt something was wrong, last year's final exam, although there were senior graduate students who participated in the exam, but at most one senior student participated in two subjects, and this guy in front of him...appeared again?
The girl sitting next to the nursery rhyme blushed with a smile: "Hey, you said that this senior has proctored so many exams, is he short of money? I saw him several times, and he seemed to be wearing this outfit, and it felt like his jeans It's all turned white..."

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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