Chapter 806
"I feel the same way. He is very low-key and down-to-earth..."

"How down-to-earth, it still feels very cold."

"Aloofness belongs to aloofness, but this kind of humble student is arrogant, doesn't it fit the character setting of the novel?"


The girls chatted happily by themselves, but the nursery rhyme felt unreliable, because no matter how you look at it, this person doesn't look like a poor student...

In this exam, Nursery Rhyme has passed the exam without even guessing.

The review syllabus given by Xiao Yijin yesterday actually failed two short-answer questions. Counting the odds, there is probably no problem in getting a pass.

After all, the university's final exam is not determined by the final exam alone, but also by the usual marks. She has hardly skipped this professor's class, so the professor should be arrogant.

There was an exam in the afternoon, and Nursery Rhyme went to the cafeteria with Jiang Ya to eat at noon, and it was the graduation season, and the atmosphere in the school felt a bit sentimental.

The defense of the senior year is over, and many people have left school early. The building opposite Tong Yao's dormitory used to be the senior girls, but now there are only a few people left in it.

On the way back to the dormitory, Jiang Ya suddenly sighed: "My Xiaofengfeng started an internship in his senior year, and he rarely comes to school. He will start working at this time next year. Many people say that the graduation season is also the breakup season, so Thinking about it, I still feel a little flustered.”

Hearing her words, the nursery rhyme said a little speechlessly: "What are you panicking about? Believe in yourself and your great talent. Although that guy may not seem so reliable sometimes, he still cares about you very much." , don’t think about it.”

When it comes to emotional matters, Jiang Ya misses gossip nursery rhymes and Xiao Yijin very much.

It's just that the relationship between these two people is broken, and even now she doesn't quite understand the relationship between the two. In order to cause the sad past of the nursery rhyme, she had to suppress her gossiping heart forcibly.

During the lunch break, lying on the bed, Nursery Rhyme couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

Because the wound on the back of her head is still serious, she can only turn left and right when she sleeps, and she can't lie flat, so she feels very uncomfortable.

Jiang Ya noticed that Tong Yao was tossing and turning on the bed, so she asked worriedly: "Tong Yao, what's wrong with you? Is it a wound?"

"No, no, don't worry, I just slept too much last night and don't want to sleep at noon, you go to sleep and leave me alone." After the nursery rhyme finished speaking, she picked up her phone and browsed through Moments boringly.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, just looking at it scared her so much that she almost dropped her phone.

Because Du Chuan's circle of friends is really powerful enough.

A simple and clear sentence: My concubine, look quickly, this is the country I laid down for you.

The accompanying picture is the back view of Du Chuan and Wu Jie sitting on the top of the mountain and looking at the scenery. Not to mention, the picture is so beautiful.

But now the nursery rhyme is not thinking about this matter, but... Wu Jie is finally taken down?

What happened to her during the few days when she was hospitalized and unable to play games?

Did she miss something great?
Why did the relationship between these two guys suddenly develop by leaps and bounds?
Why did that awkward Wu Jie suddenly change his mind?

It felt like a hundred thousand reasons were flooding her brain, nursery rhymes were all bad.

She sat up straight from the bed with a swish, but the speed was too fast, which made her dizzy for a while.

She actually missed this kind of thing?

(End of this chapter)

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