Chapter 812
Then his team members were all dumbfounded, because...they couldn't pick it up, and they weren't qualified to pick up these materials...

At this time, You Yun, who was standing aside watching the excitement, suddenly smiled and typed on the World Channel: "Everyone, the qualification to pick up the boss is the team of the first person to open the monster, not the team that gave the boss the last blow. Which one of you opened the monster first, hurry up and pick up the box!"

Some people who didn't grab the boss just now were about to leave, but now they suddenly realized that just now they were so happy to see the people who dreamed of dyeing the world, and they rushed to the box at the first time, they thought it was over, who would have thought... ...The man who dreamed of dyeing the world couldn't pick up the box at all.

So everyone rushed up and ran to touch the box.

But none of them have the authority to pick up the box.

Everyone was stunned, only the old man was still studying other people's spiritual pet mounts... had a great time...

It was twelve o'clock in the blink of an eye, Lao Yu saw that the old man was still playing, so he walked over and said, "Chairman, it's time for you to rest, let's play tomorrow."

"Old Yu, come here, come here, where did these little things around them come from? Also, is there a problem with this recharge place? I just ordered recharge for a long time, but it has been failing. I want to buy That bird that can fly?" The old man grabbed Lao Yu and pointed at the golden crane on the screen, his eyes were shining.

The corner of Lao Yu’s mouth twitched, and he thought about buying a permanent mount worth 1200 RMB on the first day of playing. The old man is really a coward...

He bent down to look at it, and whispered, "Chairman, before recharging this game, you need to go through real-name authentication, otherwise you won't be able to recharge."

The old man: "Come on, certification certification, come and help me certification, I have been messing around here for a long time."

"Chairman, at what level do you come to grab the world boss by yourself? It's better to go with Miss next time." Otherwise, someone will poke you to death with a single finger.

Of course, Lao Yu dared not say the latter.

"Old Yu, hurry up, don't be in a daze, hurry up and help me to see this recharge page, I want to recharge..." The old man had just finished speaking, and he saw a golden box on the open space in front of him, and no one picks up...

He lightly moved the mouse and clicked a few times to walk to the box, and asked Lao Yu: "Old Yu, can I take this?"

Lao Yu glanced at the box, and said speechlessly: "Press the F key to pick up the item, but this is not yours, and you can't grab it..."

Before he finished speaking, the box on the ground suddenly disappeared, and all those rare materials went into the old man's backpack.

Lao Yu was so frightened that his eyeballs almost fell out, "Chairman, how did you do it?"

"These things, what are they for? Why are they used? Are they worth money? Why don't they want them?" The old man ran the main task with the company of the nursery rhyme today, learned how to operate the characters to move forward and backward, and became a teacher after leveling up. , and then played a pair of interactive actions. As for the other nursery rhymes, he didn't teach him, so he didn't understand...

The old man's move made everyone on the scene who hadn't left the map blown up.

Yun Zilei didn't expect this trumpet to snatch the world BOSS, especially when he saw that this trumpet was still a person who killed the world, he immediately became angry, and directly typed on the world channel: "The people who kill the world just want to grab the BOSS is really disgusting!" , put a trumpet in the twenties to confuse the public, and then snatch the boss, and kill the world so cowardly? If you just can't grab the boss, let the trumpet steal it?"

(End of this chapter)

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