Chapter 813
Seeing this, Wu Jie was the first to be unhappy: "Banana, you bastard! Do you know what it means to grab a BOSS? That is whoever grabs it, whoever grabs it. People from the two teams of Mengran Jiangshan can't grab the boss of our sect." A trumpet, still has the face to bark on the world channel?"

After sending the message, Wu Jie immediately sent a message on the sect channel: "Which one of you opened a trumpet to grab the world boss?"

Altman Dijia: "It's not our trumpet, it's a real trumpet, and it's the apprentice that the guest official accepted today..."

As soon as Yun Zilei saw Wu Jie's arrogance, he was upset, and immediately replied: "It's obvious that the people from your sect are insidious, and it's obvious that he is in a state of going to grab the boss and deliberately playing a peaceful state, just to make people mistakenly think that he is a newcomer! Then, while everyone was fighting, he started to blame, and asked everyone else to work for your sect, whose trumpet is it, who has the face to do it, but has no face to admit it?"

"Wow, is the first big sect going to use this method to grab the boss?"

"I saw that the trumpet has the title of guest officer's apprentice. It must be a trumpet that is not suitable for guest officials. Tsk tsk tsk, if you have money, you still have to grab some resources from our small sects. I think this The game is unplayable."

"But I don't think the guest officer is this kind of person. Is there some misunderstanding?"


It caused chaos in the game, and several sects fought, but our culprit is still struggling with the recharge failure.

Lao Yu finally understood that the old man's computer was programmed by nursery rhymes, and there was no way to recharge it, so... no matter how long the old man studied, the money could not be recharged.

The world channel was in chaos, but Wu Jie and the others had enjoyed themselves on the sect channel.

Wu Jie: "I laughed so hard, I think the guest official is very discerning in accepting apprentices."

You Yun: "Isn't that right? Today, the big guest officer brought this trumpet in, and that trumpet has been asking us how to recharge money on the sect channel, and then the big guest officer told us not to allow anyone to teach him in the WeChat group. Charge money."

Three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation: "Yes, and that trumpet is still in the group asking for new clothes for the big guest officer, and the big guest officer actually agreed, saying that he will buy it for him when he wakes up, and he is not sure. He wasted money."

Tears of Allure: "In their conversation, I seem to smell a little pampering..."

Sun Yi: "You guys don't talk nonsense, be careful to see through the screen."

Everyone: "..."

Wu Jie was immediately disgusted: "Little grandson, you are taught Chinese by a physical education teacher. I've heard that walls have ears..."

Xiao Yijin: "?"

Everyone: "!!!"

Damn, at this second, Wu Jie understood what it means to have eyes through the screen, which is almost equivalent to peeping through the screen.

In a moment of excitement, I actually forgot that the boss is online!

It's over, it's over, it's over, the message sent in the game can't be undone, after checking what he just said, Wu Jie breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he didn't say anything fatal...

Everyone in the sect dives for a second, not daring to bubble.

Xiao Yijin clicked on the list of sects, and saw that the scene where Cang Hai smiled was Maple Leaf Forest.

Xiaobai in this game, if he dares to get close to his wife, he must be prepared to be beaten.

He hooked his lips into a smile, switched to another trumpet, and immediately teleported to Maple Leaf Forest.

It took me a long time to find Cang Hai who was digging for first-class medicinal materials in the woods and laughed.

The old man was accidentally killed too many times in the direct boss melee today, and he already has a psychological shadow. When he saw someone coming, he directly typed in a nearby channel: "Don't kill me, my boss is a guest officer!"

Xiao Yijin in front of the screen was speechless for a while. When he thought about the content of the sect members' chat, an idea popped up. The corner of his mouth curled up, and he stretched out a finger to poke the keyboard and type: "Do you want to know how to recharge? I'll teach you."

Guaranteed to charge until you go bankrupt.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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