Chapter 836 Deny it quickly

Everyone was having a good chat, Tong Yao posted a message: Today is cloudy, I can accompany you to climb the Great Wall, I can take the old man's DSLR and take pictures for you.

Liangcheng: I don't want a DSLR, I want a beauty camera, I can't live without a beauty camera.

You Yun: Second proposal.

The group discussed the meeting place, and then Tong Yao asked Lao Yu to arrange a car to pick everyone up. In order not to be so boring on the road, Lao Yu arranged a bus for everyone to sit together.

Liangcheng and the others were worried that nursery rhyme was in a bad mood, so they were more considerate of her feelings when they spoke. After all, even though they said they didn't care about the breakup, it was impossible to not care at all.

The fairy love between the two of them was enviable to everyone, but now they broke up as soon as they said it, and even they couldn't accept it.

Wu Jie just sat in the car and wailed: "It's the peak tourist season, and I'm afraid of the Great Wall. I think you're all here to see the heads."

Hearing this, Du Chuan, who was sitting on the side, said coolly, "I can't crawl, or I'll carry you on my back."

In a word, Wu Jie's hairs stood on end: "Who says I can't climb, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep up."

"By the way, Du Chuan, aren't you going abroad? Why aren't you leaving?" Tong Yao suddenly asked.

Afterwards, all eyes were on Wu Jie's face.

In an instant, Wu Jie's company quickly became popular, "What's the matter with you? Why are you looking at me? The guest officer is asking Du Chuan!"

At the same time, Sun Yiliang swished a sentence: "There is a beautiful wife at home, so it is not suitable to travel far."

Hearing this, Tong Yao immediately burst out laughing.

And Du Chuan...he didn't refute it, that's what he meant by default.

Wu Jie became anxious for a moment, and grabbed Du Chuan's arm, "What kind of game are you playing, tell them quickly, you don't mean that, deny it quickly."

Du Chuan looked sideways slightly, reached out to help his sunglasses: "Why should I deny it?"

Everyone: "..."

Then Wu Jie's face turned even redder...

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Tong Yao shook her head lightly, Du Chuan is really amazing.

"Brother, did you break up with Xiao Yijin?" Du Chuan suddenly asked a question that no one dared to ask. The smiles on everyone's faces froze, and they were still a little nervous.

After all, everyone has the heart of gossip, they dare not ask, but they still want to know the answer.

Tong Yao didn't know that the divorce this morning was written by the old man. She thought it was Xiao Yijin's forced divorce. She said she didn't mind, but she still felt a little uncomfortable because it should be her forced divorce!
When Xiao Yijin ordered it, she felt as if she had been abandoned!
It feels really uncomfortable!
After waiting for a long time, everyone heard the nursery rhyme saying, "That's right."

Everyone in the car looked at each other silently, still feeling a little unreal.

When we arrived at the Great Wall, there was a sea of ​​people, but Ultraman and the others were full of energy and immediately took pictures of tourists.

Tong Yao was standing aside wearing sunglasses and a hat, and then Youyun ran over and dragged Tong Yao over: "Take a group photo, take a group photo, this is a historic moment, come on, the guest officer stands at position C!"

"Sect group photo, how could I be without me!" Someone Xiao's voice came, and Du Chuan, who was preparing to take pictures for everyone, sank his eyes.

He turned around and watched Xiao Yijin walking over with a sporty body and a hat on...

Everyone's smiles froze on their faces, and the atmosphere became a little weird, so embarrassing...

No one thought of asking Xiao Yijin out when they went out, but he came by himself...

(End of this chapter)

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