Chapter 837

They said that they were afraid that the Great Wall would be discussed in the sect group, so it was not surprising that Xiao Yijin knew they were coming. Xiao Yijin walked over and stood beside Tong Yao, and Tong Yao changed places with Wu Jie.

Standing between the two of them, Wu Jie had a very tragic expression.

Seeing that the nursery rhyme did not speak, Du Chuan suppressed his displeasure and took a group photo for everyone.

After taking the photos, everyone began to climb the Great Wall. Before Tong Yao could climb a few steps, Xiao Yijin stopped the way. He said, "I'm not the one who wants a divorce."

"That's not important, I'm already divorced anyway, get out of the way, don't stop me from doing sports." Tong Yao pushed Xiao Yijin away, feeling very displeased, she couldn't order a forced divorce before, it was Xiao Yijin's fault.

So he should be the only one who can order a divorce, but now he came to say that it wasn't him, a liar.

But it doesn't matter now, does it?
Before climbing far, the nursery rhyme stopped moving.

Seeing this, Du Chuan walked over and grabbed her arm, and said in a low voice, "Brother, although I really wanted to beat him up, but after thinking about it, it would be quite miserable for him to have such a mother."

Hearing this, Tong Yao was slightly taken aback: "You know?"

There are not many people who know the inside story of this matter, so Du Chuan still surprised Tong Yao when he found out.

"I met Xiao Zihan at a charity party a few days ago. She told me that she and Xiao Yijin had fallen out with Yu Ting now. She also said that Xiao Yijin and her were locked in the hotel and confiscated. Xiao Yijin's hunger strike didn't work for the mobile phone, and she was released after setting fire to the room. She said that Xiao Yijin was almost suffocated in the room at that time. If it wasn't for this, Yu Ting would have planned to lock them up for a few more days ..." Du Chuan was shocked when he heard these things, he didn't expect Yu Ting to do such a thing.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Tong Yao's back felt a little chilly, she never expected that Xiao Yijin would be locked up for a few days when she disappeared, hunger strike...set fire...

What is this all about?

And he never mentioned this matter, no wonder when I saw him for the first time outside the library, his complexion was not very good, he looked a little haggard.

It's just that she suppressed too many things in her heart at that time, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

Sister Ting is really cruel, in order to break up with Xiao Yijin, she can even do such a thing, that is her son!
Du Chuan was taken aback when he saw this: "I thought he told you when he came to you, didn't he say so?"

Tong Yao shook his head: "He didn't say anything."

"But it's hard to say, it's quite cruel, that's why I said it's pretty miserable for him to have such a mother." Du Chuan sighed, turned his head and saw Xiao Yijin following them not far away, and added One sentence: "Xiao Zihan still hopes that you will reconcile, that's why she told me this. She wants me to explain to you for her brother. I just thought that things have passed for so long, and Xiao Yijin has said everything she should have said. Who I thought... But it's not important, his mother did such a thing, and the gap between you two can't be resolved with just a few words."

"En." Tong Yao responded, and then smiled slightly: "Go to your family, Wu Xiaojie, I have something I want to say to Xiao Yijin."

"Hmm, think clearly before making a decision." After Du Chuan finished speaking, he walked towards Wu Jie and shouted, "Wu Jie, you fucking wait for me!"

Wu Jie, who was still walking slowly, immediately speeded up when he heard Du Chuan's voice.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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