Chapter 897 His Gossip
"Oh, good." Tong Yao replied instinctively. At that time, it seemed that she also took Xiao Yijin's car to catch a plane.

Xiao Yijin walked beside Tong Yao to hold an umbrella for her, and kept tilting the umbrella in the direction of Tong Yao, and after a while her clothes were mostly drenched.

After getting into the car, Tong Yao felt that the atmosphere in the car was a bit weird, so he asked, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Yijin wiped the water stains on her body with a towel, "Passing by."

Upon hearing this, Lao Zhang quickly said: "We went to your house to look for you. Mr. Feng said that you had returned to City D, and knew that you were looking for Tong Shuo. We were worried that they would embarrass you, so we followed."

Listening to what Old Zhang said, Xiao Yijin didn't deny it, and then added: "Why did you leave five years ago?"

Tong Yao didn't expect Xiao Yijin to ask this question, but she didn't want to mention the incident five years ago, so she pretended to be relaxed and said, "I just want to change the environment."

"Is it necessary to change the environment to be vaporized? Is it necessary to stop playing the game in another environment? Nursery rhyme, why did you leave five years ago? Just to stay away from me?" This is what Xiao Yijin cares most about. For countless days and nights in the past five years, he has been thinking about why she left.

Many late nights, he thought about her so much that he was going crazy, so he had to work overtime to numb himself.

But what about her?

She is fine, such an understatement, is she really not the slightest bit sad because of separation?
"I didn't want to stay away from you, Xiao Yijin. I'd like to ask you to be more mature. It's all in the past. Can you stop staring at it?" Tong Yao really didn't want to mention the past anymore. In those days, she was heartbroken.

"No! You can let it go because you don't care! But I can't stop caring. You are the first woman in my life. I have recognized you for a long time in my life, but you just walked away ruthlessly. In short, I am still so heartless when I come back, who can understand my pain for the past five years?" Xiao Yijin's eyes were bloodshot, he turned around and directly bound Tong Yao's shoulders with both hands.

She was too thin, and he felt as if he would break her hand with a little force. He was afraid of hurting her, so he relaxed his strength again: "Yaoyao, now, tell me, tell me you five Why did you abandon me years ago?"

Tong Yao raised her eyes to look at him, seeing the pain and struggle in his eyes, Tong Yao bit her lips lightly, not knowing how to answer.

Looking at the hesitation in Tong Yao's eyes, Xiao Yijin's eyes darkened, he put down his hands and sat aside, lowered his head, and stopped talking.

When the airport arrived, Tong Yao got out of the car first, and then Tong Yao carried the suitcase to check in. After boarding the plane, she sat by the window and looked at everything calmly outside the window. Tong Yao's eyes suddenly became red.

How would she speak...

How to tell him why she wants to go abroad...

If Xiao Yijin knew the truth, she might collapse, but at that time, she had to make a choice.

In the past five years, she has never been in pain. She often dreams of him at night, dreaming that he is beside her bed, but when she opens her eyes, the room is empty.

He talked to himself about the pain, but wasn't there a lot of scandals with female stars and anchors in the past five years?
At first, I was still a little uncomfortable, but when I thought about this, Tong Yao's eyes turned cold, a man's mouth, a deceitful ghost, cannot be trusted.

(End of this chapter)

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