Chapter 898 The cave was smashed

The flight they went back to was not on the same flight as the nursery rhyme, Xiao Yijin sat in the waiting room, the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, and at the same time she was a little irritable.

I originally said that if I want to meet her, I have to talk to her carefully, but why I still can't help it, how many times?
How many times has it been like this, what comes out of the mouth is never the same as what is thought in the heart.

Lao Zhang looked at Xiao Yijin who sometimes hugged his head and sometimes sighed, and couldn't help but said: "Young Master, our investigation of Miss Tong didn't work before, but I checked the man who came back with her that day in another direction, and I got some clues. , do you want to listen to it?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin looked sideways slightly, "Say it."

"This man is an expert in treating depression and runs a relatively authoritative hospital abroad." When Lao Zhang found out the news, he was always puzzled.

He didn't understand why nursery rhymes were associated with such a doctor, and it seemed that the relationship was very close.

Xiao Yijin frowned slightly: "Have you found the man's home address?"

"I found it, young master, do you want to pay a visit?" After Lao Zhang finished speaking, he sent the address to Xiao Yijin's mobile phone.

Xiao Yijin looked at it, sighed thoughtfully, and said, "Wait until the busy few days are over."

Nursery rhyme has been keeping silent about what happened in the past five years. Presumably a lot of things happened in the five years she left. She didn't want to tell herself that there must be some unspeakable secrets. more disgusted with myself.

The game, now we still have to start from the game again.

Back in the imperial capital, Tong Yao shared Feng Ran's relics with the old man, and the old man held those photos and wept uncontrollably.

"By the way, Grandpa, I hope you can help me find a lawyer." Tong Yao comforted the old man for a while, then remembered another matter, and this matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

Wiping away his tears, the old man raised his head and asked, "Lawyer? What's wrong, rumor?"

"Tong Shuo made a will, and he wants to leave 40.00% of the property to me. After Tong Shuo passes away, I want to donate all this property to charity, so I need a lawyer to deal with these things." She doesn't want Tong's things. , and if she kept these things, that woman Yang Ying might come to make trouble every day.

She didn't want to see that face, and she didn't want the money from the flower boy's family, so it's best to donate the money.

"Okay, I'll let Lao Yu take care of it. Grandpa is tired and needs to rest. You should go to bed early too." After the old man finished speaking, he slowly walked into the room with his suitcase in his arms.

Tong Yao knows that the old man is not sleepy, he just wants to hide and cry alone.

Back in the room, Tong Yao was also in an extremely dull mood. She opened the game and logged in. She had just logged in when she received a system message: Friend Xian, your cave has been invaded, and the spiritual eyes and protective formation have been destroyed.

What the fuck?

How dare someone still invade her cave?

Clicking on the intrusion record, Nursery Rhyme saw an unfamiliar game ID: Why are flowers so red.

He is a swordsman with a strength of just 35.

But the point is, she doesn't know this person at all, let alone has a grudge against him. This somehow smashed up her cave, isn't there something wrong with it?

If the spiritual eye is broken, it will cost spiritual stones to repair, and the recasting of the formation will also cost money. Tong Yao's heart is bleeding, so he directly located the location of this guy and tracked the past.

(End of this chapter)

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