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Chapter 1060 Arrived in Songjiang

Chapter 1060 Arrived in Songjiang
Now the gate of the Brazilian game area has been kicked open by Da Liang. After the American game area experienced a big defeat in Rio de Janeiro, it caused a great shock to their gold coin market in the Brazilian game area.

Yingshi Virtual Bank and Southeast Asia Bank in the Chinese game area established their own branches in Rio de Janeiro immediately.And quickly established branches in major cities in Brazil's game area, occupying the Brazilian financial system that has entered a turbulent period in a short period of time, and began to formally compete with American finance in South America.

The newly established "Brazilian Fair Game Committee" replaced the original Brazilian Big Group Alliance and became the organization that leads the entire Brazilian gaming area.

As the most steadfast spokesperson for the interests of the Chinese game zone in Brazil, Thiago has won the full support of Yingshi Virtual Bank and Southeast Asian Bank.The front-line army, which was on the verge of collapse, quickly entered a period of expansion.Thiago also swept away the previous negative influence and truly became the top boss in the Brazilian game area.

Memnon, who beat the U.S. intervention forces on the Rio battlefield, officially became the leader of the entire Brazilian game zone, and expressed his pro-China stance, actively formulating various policies to give the green light to Chinese players' activities in the Brazilian game zone.

Of course, in the dark, Memnon is also trying to repair the broken relationship with the American game zone, and has reached the balance of various forces in the Brazilian game zone.

The "Official Convention on Game Morality in Brazil Game Zone" has been signed and implemented...

The Brazilian players who have no worries burst out all the accumulated enthusiasm in the game, and the interests will be re-divided. The player legions in the Brazilian game area crazily compete for resources, and then mortgage the looted resources to financial institutions to exchange them for military expenses. Larger scale war.

The changes in the Brazilian game area affect the entire South American region, and the wave of game morality changes sweeps across the entire continent.

The flames are everywhere...

The price of gold is rising steadily.

American players can no longer get ultra-low prices in South America. From the perspective of the grand strategy of the Sino-US game zone confrontation, the Chinese game zone has won its first victory.

But for Da Liang, the matter in South America was over.

The follow-up matters are all financial and political games, which are not what Da Liang is good at or has time to do.

The trip to South America has delayed Da Liang for too long. He needs to redistribute his energy to his own tasks as soon as possible. The follow-up progress of the South America strategy can be completely handed over to Xu Man, Boss Jin and...Shi Fei.

Shi Fei?

With the experience of rebirth, the dragon and the tiger occupy the southern part of the Chinese game area and Southeast Asia, occupying one of the most important sea passages in the world, and truly become the overlord of one party.

I just don't know if he's doing well?Did he find the man he was looking for?
Da Liang sighed slightly to Shi Fei, then returned to Shangjiang from Rio de Janeiro, and then went through an underground path from Shangjiang to the Songjiang underground city area.

Finally, he arrived at a secret headquarters of the Songjiang Raiders of the Black Fire Territory.

The current black fire leader army has a big family and a big business, and the mobilization of military forces is not as easy to move around as before.From the magic land, the snowfield city, the kingdom of death to the mobilization of troops underground in Songjiang, the black fire leader has learned a lot about large-scale long-distance strategic transfer.

The two armies of Monica and Kuka set out from the Magic Realm and Snowfield City respectively, traveled through the planes to the Kingdom of the Dead, and then joined the Frost Dragon Astro in the Boneyard.

The three armies included all the high-level arms and high-level heroes of the Black Fire Territory, and they were teleported through the planes to the Black Fire Territory on the main plane.

Finally, Sidney led the Black Fire Fleet to transport the army used to attack Songjiang City to Shangjiang for landing.

Next, under the arrangement of Duke Joshua, they went through the secret underground passage excavated by the elves of Chongming City to a hidden underground cave near the Songjiang Underground City.

This long-distance march alone took nearly a month.

Therefore, when Da Liang came to the headquarters of the underground Black Fire Army, the army here was still being repaired, and some war materials were still being transported here slowly through the narrow passage.

At this time, the underground cave with a radius of only ten kilometers was crowded with various troops under the Black Fire Command.

In order to capture Songjiang City smoothly, Da Liang concentrated almost all the essence of the black fire army here.

Of the [-] troops, the skeleton soldiers only accounted for [-], and their role is not cannon fodder.The war equipment carried by the black fire collar will be handed over to the skeleton soldiers for operation, and the delivery of logistical materials will also be handled by the skeleton soldiers.

Da Liang didn't plan to fight a sea of ​​skulls in Songjiang City, because Songjiang City, a tenth-level city, was his own.The sea of ​​skeletons tactic not only loses too many soldiers, but the sea of ​​soldiers cannibalize and advance the city is also too destructive.Therefore, Da Liang prefers the decisive battle of the elite main force, completes the defeat of Abigail's main force in a short time, and quickly occupies the city.

For this reason, Da Liang increased the proportion of flying units in the Songjiang Raiders this time.

Ghosts, griffins, and Pegasus knights formed an air army of [-], specially bullying the extremely weak black elf army in the air.

The mid-range and long-range army uses human archers as the main force.Since the long-range units in the dungeon include the seventh-level evil eye, the ninth-level Medusa, and the eleventh-level dark witch, the black fire leader is weak in long-range firepower.In order not to suffer from long-range confrontation, Da Liang not only brought 11 archers, but also added a small number of 11th-level arson demons and 12th-level magic mages into the long-range troop sequence.

Then in order to deal with the dark cavalry and tauren in the army of Songjiang City, which are full of offensive capabilities.Da Liang called the Red Copper Cavalry to deal with the Dark Cavalry, and used a mixed force of human swordsmen and blood-sucking sword guards to fight against the Tauren.

Part of the elf army purchased from Chongming City is also in the sequence of this Black Fire Army
heroes have

Coach: Monica
Deputy coach: Kuka


When Da Liang entered the combat headquarters for the attack on Songjiang City, the heroes of the army gathered together and began to hold a pre-war layout meeting.

Chongming City provided Da Liang with a topographic map of the Songjiang Dungeon that they had investigated, and now this map is hung on the wall of the headquarters after being supplemented by the Black Fire Leader's investigation.

As the coach Monica who commanded the attack on Songjiang City this time, she stood in front of the map without hesitation.

"Hello lord, hello colleagues. Thank you very much for gathering here and helping me fight for the ownership of Songjiang City. I will do my best to win this war with the least loss and the fastest time, and bring our The black fire battle flag is planted on the city lord's mansion of Songjiang City."

(End of this chapter)

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