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Chapter 1061 New Directions

Chapter 1061 New Directions
Unlike the surface world, which is on the same plane, the underground is three-dimensional.

After the underground caves are connected by underground passages, they form an underground world.This world is wider than the surface world. Without a map, everything is unknown. Even underground creatures have only explored a small part of the entire underground world.

Therefore, the Songjiang Underground City cannot fully understand and control the surrounding underground world, and there are always some underground caves in the blind area of ​​Songjiang City.

The garrison cave provided by Chongming City for the Black Fire Territory this time was not discovered by Songjiang City. The reason is that the passage connecting the cave to the outside is too narrow and too rugged.

The convenience this brought to the Black Fire Army was that it was easy to hide, but the disadvantage was that it was very difficult to mobilize the army.

Monica got into the main topic of the military meeting. She pointed at the map with the command stick and said: "Our skeleton laborers are widening the passage from this cave to the Songjiang area. Before the army can march to the Songjiang area, we can only go to the Songjiang area." Send out a small number of troops.

I had a discussion with Master Kuka and decided that Red Copper would lead his cavalry to attack first and capture the mining area controlled by Songjiang City.Announce the return of my Monica to all the black elves in the Songjiang area, and officially compete for the position of the mistress of Songjiang City.

As Abigail's daughter and the dark witch of Abigail's black elf tribe, my right to compete for the position of mistress is protected by the Dark Dragon.As long as the war is determined between me and Abigail, most of the black elf tribes who joined Songjiang City will not participate in this war.

Therefore, we only need to face the army of Songjiang City.

After the channel is opened, the black fire leader army here will march towards Songjiang City.Through five attack directions, twenty attack detachments drove the Black Elf tribes living in the surrounding area into Songjiang City.

Then... the army regrouped in the northern part of Songjiang City, and the whole army was stationed in the open area of ​​the northern rocky beach.
At that time... we will not attack the strong city of Songjiang, but in the name of His Majesty the King of the East China Sea, Duke Daliang and Lord Bella, we will reiterate to the black elf tribe that was annexed by Abigail that Duke Daliang once proposed that "Songjiang Black Agreement of Peaceful Coexistence of Elven Tribes'.

In this way... If Abigail does not want civil strife in Songjiang City, she must take the initiative to go out of the city and fight us.

We are on the rocky beach in the north of Songjiang City, on the battlefield where the Lord Duke once defeated the former Songjiang underground army, once again completely wiped out Abigail!
Then complete the occupation of Songjiang City. "

While explaining, Monica drew the attack route of the Black Fire Territory on the map, and the information of the underground biological tribes and resource points along the way were clearly marked on the map...

It shows that Monica is really dedicated to attacking Songjiang City.

Da Liang didn't have too much worry about the attack on Songjiang City this time.

Abigail is not only ambitious, but also narrow-minded. This time Songjiang City was attacked by the Black Fire Lord, and it was impossible to get support from other cities in the Shangjiang City-State.

There is no foreign aid, and the internal chaos is even more chaotic.

Abigail abandoned the benign development plan that Daliang made during Songjiang's tenure as the consul.Tore up the peaceful coexistence agreements signed with other black elf tribes, and annexed all these black elf tribes attached to Songjiang City.

Although Songjiang's military power has been greatly expanded in a short period of time, as long as this kind of high-pressure governance encounters setbacks, it will quickly collapse.

Monica challenged Abigail to conform to the tradition of the black elves and to occupy the righteousness; Da Liang once proposed the "Peaceful Coexistence Agreement of the Songjiang Black Elf Tribe" and helped her play a favor card.

The army is overwhelming... In Monica's army, there are 15th-level crystal dragons, destruction knights using combat skills, and 20 14th-level frost dragons.High-level heroes and ultimate creatures are stronger than Songjiang City...

As long as you don't make mistakes, you won't lose this war.

Da Liang compared Monica's plan with the strength of the two sides, passed it in his mind, and after confirming that there was no problem, he said: "The war against Songjiang City will be fought according to Monica's ideas.

When the decisive battle begins, I will bring Julian, Juliet, and Ye Shi to support you, and try to complete the occupation of Songjiang City without destroying the city.

Now Blackfire Territory's strategy in the kingdom of death will enter a stable period.

Before the merger of the Wizards Guild and the New Invincible Holy See is completed, and Yongye and Sigh form an alliance...the kingdom of death will not have much war.

In the magical realm, our strategy is to use Palm Tree City as a disguise to reduce the undead activities in the Fortress, so as not to attract the attention of Bauhinia Flower City.According to the changes in the war between elves and dwarves, a new development plan will be formulated.

Therefore... After occupying Songjiang City, I decided to set the development direction of the next stage of the Black Fire Territory... the base camp of underground creatures—the Endless Labyrinth. "

When Da Liang suddenly proposed the new development direction of Black Flame at the meeting, some of the heroes attending the meeting were worried, some were happy, and some expressed confusion.

Unlike Monica, who was full of excitement and eager to enter the endless maze, Kuka, who was more prestigious in the Black Fire Territory, said: "My lord, the land in our Black Fire Territory is very scattered. Green Leaf Island, Feichen Island , Black Fire Territory, Boneyard, Advance Fortress, Palm Tree City, Misty Area, and Snowfield City all need a large number of garrisons. The use of troops against Songjiang this time has already caused a shortage of troops everywhere...

Now everything is stable, and there is no impact in a short period of time. If we open another war zone in the endless maze... Once these places are invaded, we will have no soldiers to use. "

Kuka can be regarded as a hero who followed Da Liang in the early days. During the period when the black fire leader was short of troops and only skeleton soldiers were available, Kuka used his military ability to win one victory after another for Da Liang.

The current Kuka is the general that Da Liang relies on, leading the army alone, sealing the Xueyuan City in Xinjiang.

In terms of aura, he couldn't see the abjection he had when he first saw Da Liang. He comprehended master-level tactics when he commanded the army in successive battles, and became a 15th-level hero, showing the demeanor of a general in every gesture.

Therefore, Kuka has become more and more loyal to Daliang. The orc's simple and honest character makes Kuka not like Monica, who considers how much rights he has obtained in advance, but focuses on the overall development of the Black Fire Territory.

Regarding Kuka's concerns, Da Liang said: "The troops who participated in the attack on Songjiang City all returned to their garrisons after the war. Now that the black elves are rising in the endless maze, I will first enter the endless maze to see if the black elves can get what they want. things before deciding whether to help them.

At the beginning, I would not mobilize a large number of troops to the endless maze.

Don't be too distracted by this matter, and concentrate on fighting the battle of Songjiang City.

Especially Monica..."

(End of this chapter)

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